
时间:2015-11-18 23:52:56

标签: c++ arrays function multidimensional-array pass-by-reference

the 7 functions i need to make

此文件使用数组从输入文件中检索数据并将数据显示在输出文件中。我在使用void输入数据功能时遇到问题。调用函数inputdata(inputFile,nonNumerical,numeric1);收到错误说错误:无法转换' int()[2]'加倍()[2]'争论' 3' to" void inputdata(std :: ifstream&,std :: string()[9],double()[2])'

#include <fstream>
  #include <string>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cmath>
 using namespace std;

 const int courseSize = 3;
 const int examSize = 6;
 const int studsize =3;
 const int strSize =9;
 const int numSize = 2;
 void inputdata(ifstream &, string  [][strSize],double [][numSize]);
 int main()

int n=0, x, y;
int strLength =0;
double scoreTotal =0;
char lettergrade;

string header, name, address, phone, social, course, studentID;
const int letterGrade_A = 90;
const int letterGrade_B = 80;
const int letterGrade_C = 70;
const int letterGrade_D = 60;

int age, yearsAtTXST, numstudents;
double testscore;
double numGrade = 0;
const int minStrLength = 1;
const int maxStrLength = 100;
const int minint = 1;
const int maxint = 100;
const int minCourse = 1;
const int maxCourse = 3;
const int minTest = 1;
const int maxTest = 5;
const double test1 = 0.10;
const double test2 = 0.15;
const double test3 =0.15;
const double test4 = 0.20;
const double final_test = 0.40;
const double maxGrade = 100.0, minGrade = 1.0;

//    initialize arrays
string nonNumerical[studsize][strSize];
int numeric1[studsize][numSize];
double numeric2[studsize][courseSize][examSize];
char lettergrades[studsize][courseSize];

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

// opening files
ifstream inputFile;
ofstream fout;
fout.open  ("Project5_A04314548_Output.txt");

if( !( inputFile && fout))
    cout << "Error opening file.\n";

  cout << " Enter a number of students: ";
 cin >> numstudents;

  while( !(numstudents ==3))
    cout << " error number of students must be 3. Enter again: ";
    cin >> numstudents;

 inputdata(inputFile,  nonNumerical, numeric1);

 // take in string data from input file
 for(int x =0; x< studsize; x++)
    for(int y=0; y < strSize; y++)
       if(y >= strSize)

       getline(inputFile, nonNumerical[x][y]);
       strLength = nonNumerical[x][y].length();
       if(strLength < minStrLength || strLength > maxStrLength)
        fout << " The given string for nonNumerical [" << x << "][" << y <<  
"] is not within the proper range of 1-100 characters." << endl;
        fout << " Please fix the issue and rerun the program for a correct    
 output." << endl << endl;

  //above put into input data function

  // take in data from input file
  for(int x=0; x<studsize;x++)
     for(int y=0; y < numSize; y++)

        inputFile >> numeric1[x][y];
        if( numeric1[x][y] < minint || numeric1[x][y] > maxint)
        fout << "The given integer for numerical1[" << x << "][" << y <<    
  "]is not within the proper range of 1-100." << endl;
        fout << " please fix the problem and rerun the program for a correct     
 output." << endl << endl;


   // above put into data function

    // take in double data from input file
  for( int x1=0; x1<studsize; x1++)
    for(int x2=0; x2 < courseSize; x2++)
        for(int x3=0; x3<(examSize-1);x3++)
            if(x3 >=(examSize-1))
            inputFile >> numeric2[x1][x2][x3];
            if( numeric2[x1][x2][x3] < minGrade || numeric2[x1][x2][x3] >   
                cout << "The given value fro numeric2[" << x1 << "][" << x2 
  << "][" << x3 << "] is not within the proper range of 1-100" << endl
                << "Please fix the issue and rerun the program for a correct   
  output." << endl;

            else if( x3 == 0)
                scoreTotal += (numeric2[x1][x2][x3]* test1);
            else if( x3== 1)
                scoreTotal += (numeric2[x1][x2][x3]* test2);
            else if( x3 == 2)
                scoreTotal += (numeric2[x1][x2][x3]* test3);
            else if( x3 == 3)
                scoreTotal += (numeric2[x1][x2][x3]* test4);
                scoreTotal += (numeric2[x1][x2][x3]* final_test);

            numeric2[x1][x2][5] = scoreTotal; // final numeric grade
            scoreTotal = 0;

            if(x2 >=courseSize)
            if((numeric2[x1][x2][5] > maxGrade) || (numeric2[x1][x2][5] < 
  minGrade) )
                cout << "Error in calculating grade. Please fix the issue     
   then rerun the program. ignore broken program!";
                cout << endl << endl;


            else if(numeric2[x1][x2][5] >= letterGrade_A)
                lettergrades[x1][x2] = 'A';
            else if(numeric2[x1][x2][5] >= letterGrade_B)
                lettergrades[x1][x2] = 'B';
            else if(numeric2[x1][x2][5] >= letterGrade_C)
                lettergrades[x1][x2] = 'C';
            else if(numeric2[x1][x2][5] >= letterGrade_D)
                lettergrades[x1][x2] = 'D';
                lettergrades[x1][x2] = 'F';


    for(int a1=0; a1< studsize; a1++)
    {   fout << nonNumerical[a1][0]<< endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Name of Student:\t";
        fout << nonNumerical[a1][1] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Student ID:\t";
        fout << nonNumerical[a1][2]<< endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Address:\t" ;
        fout << nonNumerical[a1][3] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Telephone Number:\t";
        fout <<  nonNumerical[a1][4] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Student Soc. Security:\t";
        fout << nonNumerical[a1][5] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Age:\t";
        fout << numeric1[a1][0] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Number of years at Texas State:\t";
        fout << numeric1 [a1][1] << endl << endl;

    for(int b1=0; b1 <courseSize; b1++)
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Course number:\t";
            fout << nonNumerical[a1][(b1+6)] << endl;

        for(int c1= 0; c1 <(examSize-1); c1++)
        fout << right << setw(32) << "Exam #" << (a1 +1) << ":\t";
            fout << numeric2[a1][b1][c1] << endl;

        fout << right << setw(35) << "Numerical grade:\t";
        fout << numeric2[a1][b1][5] << endl;
        fout << right << setw(35) << "Letter grade:\t";
        fout << lettergrades[a1][b1] << endl;

        if( numeric2[a1][b1][5] < 70)
        fout << right << setw(14) << " Warning Note: Your grade is too low 
 and needs improvements!" << endl << endl;
        else if ( numeric2[a1][b1][5] >= 95)
        fout << right << setw(14) << " Appreciation Note: Congratulations,      
 Your performance is Excellent!" << endl << endl;
        fout << endl;

    fout << endl;


return 0;

 void inputdata(ifstream & inputFile, string   array1[][strSize],double    
  for(int x =0; x< studsize; x++)
    for(int y=0; y < strSize; y++)
       if(y >= strSize)

       getline(inputFile,  array1[x][y]);

 for(int a1=0; a1<studsize;a1++)
     for(int a2=0; a2 < numSize; a2++)

        inputFile >> array2[a1][a2];


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