QuestionList: Array[1]
0: Object
id: 1116
question: "Question 1"
update: 1447842794620
public class Question extends AbstractNodeUpdateProperty
private long mId;
private String mQuestion;
* No-arg constructor required for JaxB serialization.
public Question()
public Question(long aId, String aQuestion, long aUpdate)
mId = aId;
mQuestion = aQuestion;
public long getId()
return mId;
public String getQuestion()
return mQuestion;
public void setId(long aId)
mId = aId;
public void setQuestion(String aQuestion)
mQuestion = aQuestion;
public String toString()
return "Id: " + mId + ", question: " + mQuestion;
public class Suggestion extends AbstractNodeUpdateProperty
private long mId;
private String mTitle;
private String mActionToTake;
private Boolean mIsIntegrated;
* No-arg constructor required for JaxB serialization.
public Suggestion()
public Suggestion(long aId, String aTitle, String aActionToTake, long aUpdate)
mId = aId;
mTitle = aTitle;
mActionToTake = aActionToTake;
mIsIntegrated = true;
public Suggestion(long aId, String aTitle, String aActionToTake, long aUpdate, Boolean aIsIntegrated)
mId = aId;
mTitle = aTitle;
mActionToTake = aActionToTake;
mIsIntegrated = aIsIntegrated;
public long getId()
return mId;
public String getTitle()
return mTitle;
public String getActionToTake()
return mActionToTake;
public Boolean getIsIntegrated()
return mIsIntegrated;
public void setId(long aId)
mId = aId;
public void setTitle(String aTitle)
mTitle = aTitle;
public void setActionToTake(String aActionToTake)
mActionToTake = aActionToTake;
public void setIsIntegrated(Boolean pIsIntegrated)
mIsIntegrated = pIsIntegrated;
nov 18, 2015 11:41:30 AM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse mapMappableContainerException
SEVERE: The exception contained within MappableContainerException could not be mapped to a response, re-throwing to the HTTP container
org.codehaus.jackson.map.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "question" (Class com.iba.smi.troubleshooting.suggestion.Suggestion), not marked as ignorable
at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@28fe95ed; line: 1, column: 203] (through reference chain: com.iba.smi.troubleshooting.TroubleshootResult["Troubleshoot"]->com.iba.smi.troubleshooting.troubleshoot.Troubleshoot["QuestionList"]->com.iba.smi.troubleshooting.suggestion.Suggestion["question"])
故障排除课程 所有参数都有getter和setter,但为了长度我稍微缩短了一点:
public class Troubleshoot extends AbstractNodeUpdateProperty
private String mAlarmId;
private ArrayList<Suggestion> mSuggestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<Question> mQuestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<AlarmLink> mAlarmLinkList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<SuggestionAskQuestion> mSuggestionAskQuestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<SuggestionAskAlarmLink> mSuggestionAskAlarmLinkList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<AlarmAskQuestion> mAlarmAskQuestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<AlarmAskSuggestion> mAlarmAskSuggestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<AlarmAskAlarmLink> mAlarmAskAlarmLinkList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<QuestionAnswerSuggestion> mQuestionAnswerSuggestionList = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<QuestionAnswerAlarmLink> mQuestionAnswerAlarmLinkList = new ArrayList<>();
* No-arg constructor required for JaxB serialization.
public Troubleshoot()
public Troubleshoot(String aAlarmId, long aUpdate)
mAlarmId = aAlarmId;
@XmlElement(name = "SuggestionList")
public ArrayList<Suggestion> getSuggestionList()
return mSuggestionList;
@XmlElement(name = "QuestionList")
public ArrayList<Question> getQuestionList()
return mQuestionList;
public void setSuggestionList(ArrayList<Suggestion> aSuggestionList)
this.mSuggestionList = aSuggestionList;
public void setQuestionList(ArrayList<Suggestion> aQuestionList)
this.mSuggestionList = aQuestionList;