我写了一个类来模拟一个引力场,以及一个使用它的主类。我确定我的方程是正确的,但是当代码编译时,当我运行它时它返回'NaN'。这是我第一次使用多个类,所以我只是想知道我是否正确链接它们: 这是我的GravField类:
import java.lang.Math;
public class GravField{
public static final double G = 6.674*Math.pow(10,-11); //defines the constant G
private double planetMass;
private double planetRadius;
private double projectileX;
private double projectileY;
private double a = planetRadius + projectileY;
PhysicsVector projectilePosition = new PhysicsVector(projectileX, a); //PhysicsVector class was written
PhysicsVector gravityAcceleration = new PhysicsVector(); //lecturer, so that won't be the problem!
public GravField(double planetMass, double planetRadius, double projectileX, double projectileY){
double distance = Math.sqrt(projectileX*projectileX+projectileY*projectileY);
double x = (-G*planetMass*projectileX)/(distance*distance*distance);
double y = (-G*planetMass*a)/(distance*distance*distance);
gravityAcceleration.setVector(x, y); //setVector is a method in the PhysicsVector class
gravityAcceleration.print(); //print is also in PhysicsVector
public double magnitude(){
double magnitudeOfGravField = gravityAcceleration.magnitude();
return magnitudeOfGravField;
public double componentX(){
double xComponent = gravityAcceleration.getX(); //gravityAcceleration for some reason can't be
return xComponent; //directly accessed by main class, so use this instead
public double componentY(){
double yComponent = gravityAcceleration.getY();
return yComponent;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;
public class ParticleSim{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter the size of the time step:");
double timeStep = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Please enter the initial x velocity:");
double initialXVelocity = scanner.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Please enter the initial y velocity:");
double initialYVelocity = scanner.nextDouble();
PhysicsVector projectilePosition = new PhysicsVector();
double earthMass = 5.972*Math.pow(10,24);
double earthRadius = 6371000;
GravField earth = new GravField(earthMass, earthRadius, 0, 0);
double y=0.0;
double x=0.0;
double yVelocity=initialYVelocity;
double xVelocity=initialXVelocity;
do{ //either this loop or my GravField class is the problem, I think!
System.out.println("Hi! I'm in the loop!");
y += yVelocity * timeStep; //Euler's algorithm to calculate positions and velocities
x += xVelocity*timeStep;
yVelocity += earth.componentY() * timeStep;
xVelocity += earth.componentX() * timeStep;
PhysicsVector velocity = new PhysicsVector();
PhysicsVector position = new PhysicsVector();
velocity.setVector(xVelocity, yVelocity);
position.setVector(x, y);
timeStep += timeStep;
每个GravField对象都有一个变量gravityAcceleration是对的吗?通过编写earth.componentY(),我要求为地球的gravityAcceleration的Y分量? 如果你设法浏览我的代码,我真的很感激!谢谢你的帮助!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你确实通过调用earth.componentx()来调用gravityAcceleration的x 但我认为这个缺陷正在推行你的逻辑
double distance = Math.sqrt(projectileX*projectileX+projectileY*projectileY);
double x = (-G*planetMass*projectileX)/(distance*distance*distance);
double y = (-G*planetMass*a)/(distance*distance*distance);
GravField的构造函数内部。这只是在你创造地球时被召唤一次。因此,地球以重力加速度开始,0 x和0 y,并且永远不会改变。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在ParticleSim类中,你永远不会因为(y> 0)条件而开始循环,因为你已经将y定义为等于0。