
时间:2015-11-16 19:22:32

标签: c# excel image list epplus


Row 1- Title-0-
Row 2- Header-1-
Row 3- Image-0-
Row 4- Header-2-
Row 5- Image-1-
Row 6- Header-3-
Row 7- Image-2-
Row 8- Header-4-
Row 9- Image-3-
Row 10- Header-5-
Row 11- Image-4-




集合从调用方法传递到此方法 字符串集合命名为" withHeadersList", 图像集合命名为" withImgList"。


public static bool GenerateTestPlan(List<String> withHeadersList, List<Image> withImgList, string stringOutputPath)
            ExcelPackage newExcelPackage = CreateExcelPackage(withHeadersList[0]);
            ExcelWorksheet newExcelWorksheet = CreateWorkSheet(newExcelPackage, "Sheet1");

            SetCellValue(newExcelWorksheet, 1, 1, withHeadersList[0]); //Title
            newExcelWorksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Size = 35;
            newExcelWorksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

            int pRowIndex = 3;
            int hRowIndex = 2;
            for (int i = 1; i < withHeadersList.Count; i++)
                SetCellValue(newExcelWorksheet, hRowIndex, 1, withHeadersList[i]);
                newExcelWorksheet.Row(hRowIndex).Style.Font.Size = 20;

                newExcelWorksheet.Row(pRowIndex).Height = withImgList[i - 1].Height;           //Set row height to height of screenshot

                var img = newExcelWorksheet.Drawings.AddPicture(withHeadersList[i], withImgList[i - 1]);    //Add Images (THINK THIS LAST PARAMETER IS THE PROBLEM)
                img.SetPosition(pRowIndex, Pixel2MTU(2), 1, Pixel2MTU(2));
                img.SetSize(withImgList[i - 1].Width, withImgList[i - 1].Height);

                hRowIndex += 2;
                pRowIndex += 2;

            SaveExcelPackage(newExcelPackage, stringOutputPath);

            return true;

Excel File here 正如你所看到的那样,图像并没有被渲染。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


img.SetPosition(pRowIndex, Pixel2MTU(2), 1, Pixel2MTU(2));


    // Summary:
    //     Set the top left corner of a drawing. Note that resizing columns / rows after
    //     using this function will effect the position of the drawing
    // Parameters:
    //   Row:
    //     Start row
    //   RowOffsetPixels:
    //     Offset in pixels
    //   Column:
    //     Start Column
    //   ColumnOffsetPixels:
    //     Offset in pixels
    public void SetPosition(int Row, int RowOffsetPixels, int Column, int ColumnOffsetPixels);


img.SetPosition(pRowIndex, 2, 1, 2);

我从快速谷歌搜索中找到了一个名为Pixel2MTU(int pixels) on codeproject的方法。方法如下:

public int Pixel2MTU(int pixels)
    int mtus = pixels * 9525;
    return mtus;
