我试图通过radix-4实现了解一些描述Booth乘法的VHDL代码。我知道算法是如何工作的,但我似乎无法理解代码的某些部分具体做什么 这是整个实施:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
entity booth_mult is
clk : in std_logic;
start : in std_logic;
n_reset : in std_logic;
mcand : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mplier : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
done : out std_logic;
product : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end booth_mult;
architecture arch of booth_mult is
type state_type is(IDLE, BUSY);
attribute ENUM_ENCODING : string; -- used for explicit state machine encoding
attribute ENUM_ENCODING of state_type : type is "01 10";
signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;
signal q_reg, q_next : unsigned(6 downto 0);
signal mcand_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- registers for the multiplicand
signal prod_reg, prod_next : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0);
signal result_reg, result_next : std_logic_vector(32 downto 0); -- this holds the result before shift
signal q_add, q_reset : std_logic;
-- increment sequential logic on rising clock edge process
process(clk, n_reset)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if n_reset = '0' then
state_reg <= IDLE;
q_reg <= (others => '0');
prod_reg <= (others => '0');
q_reg <= q_next;
state_reg <= state_next;
prod_reg <= prod_next(32) & prod_next(32 downto 1); -- shift prod register each time
result_reg <= prod_next;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- control unit process
process(state_reg, q_reg, result_reg, start, prod_reg, mplier, mcand )
-- initialize signals and no register update
q_add <= '0';
q_reset <= '0';
done <= '0';
state_next <= state_reg;
prod_next <= prod_reg;
result_next <= result_reg;
case state_reg is
when IDLE =>
if (start = '1') then -- load numbers to multiply
mcand_reg <= mcand;
prod_next(32 downto 17) <= (others => '0'); -- prod_next reg = [0000...0000(mplier)0]
prod_next(16 downto 1) <= mplier;
prod_next(0) <= '0';
state_next <= BUSY;
end if;
when BUSY =>
q_add <= '1';
if (q_reg = '0' & conv_unsigned(16, 7)(6 downto 1) and start /= '1') then -- after 8 clock cycles multiplication is done
product <= prod_next(32) & prod_next(32 downto 2);
done <= '1' ;
q_add <= '0';
q_reset <= '1';
state_next <= IDLE;
end if;
-- radix-4 decoding
case result_reg(2 downto 0) is
when "001" | "010" => -- + mcand
prod_next <= ((prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 17)) + (mcand_reg(16 - 1) & mcand_reg)) & prod_reg(16 downto 1);
when "011" => -- + 2*mcand
prod_next <= ((prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 17)) + (mcand_reg & '0' )) & prod_reg(16 downto 1);
when "100" => -- - 2*mcand
prod_next <= ((prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 17)) - (mcand_reg & '0' )) & prod_reg(16 downto 1);
when "101" | "110" => -- - mcand
prod_next <= ((prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 17)) - (mcand_reg(16 - 1) & mcand_reg)) & prod_reg(16 downto 1); -- 2*mcand
when others => -- shift only
prod_next <= prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 1);
end case;
end case;
end process;
-- timer/counter for timed logic
q_next <= (others => '0') when q_reset = '1' else -- reset q_next to bottom if q_reset is 1
q_reg + 1 when q_add = '1' else -- increment q_reg by 1 if q_add is 1
end arch;
if (q_reg = '0' & conv_unsigned(16, 7)(6 downto 1) and start /= '1') then -- after 8 clock cycles multiplication is done
返回的内容只是让整个事情为0?prod_next <= prod_reg(32) & prod_reg(32 downto 1);
。这究竟是一个怎样的转变? 代码在测试时有效,所以这是我缺乏VHDL知识的问题,所以如果问题愚蠢,请原谅我。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
回答Q1:'&amp;'是连接运算符,因此'0' & seven_bit_number
因此,整个表达式'0' & conv_unsigned(16, 7)(6 downto 1)
这是来自混淆的VHDL比赛吗? 与类型系统的这种艰苦的战斗通常意味着你缺少某些东西,或者设计上出现严重错误的东西。
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
赞成标准, 使用ieee.numeric_std.all; 并简单地写
if q_reg = 8 and start /= '1' then