我想要做的是运行一个automator脚本。如果发生了什么,它会打开带有两个选项卡的终端,每个选项卡和ssh到root@和root @ ssh @;你会怎么做?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
您可以使用运行AppleScript 操作来运行如下脚本:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Terminal"
do script "ssh root@"
do script "ssh root@"
end tell
return input
end run
终端的do script
命令创建一个新的终端窗口并将给定的命令字符串发送到shell。请注意,如果要将其他命令发送到同一终端,请将do script
命令的结果存储在变量中 - 它将是对已创建的终端的引用,您可以将其与{{1 in
答案 1 :(得分:2)
补充Chris Page's helpful answer:
如果您希望两个终端选项卡都位于相同的窗口中,那么事情就变得棘手:终端AppleScript API的长期限制是无法以编程方式创建现有窗口中的新标签页。
相当健壮,但它需要事先一次性授权才能进行辅助访问 - 请参阅下面处理程序的注释。
如果您想要更多地控制选项卡创建过程,例如分配特定配置文件(外观和行为设置)的功能,请参阅此答案底部的my answer here及其应用程序。< / p>
Creates a new tab in Terminal's front window and optionally executes a shell command,
if <shellCmdToRun> is a nonempty string.
* This handler effectively clicks the menu item that creates a new tab and
therefore requires assistive access:
The application running this handler - e.g., Terminal.app, Script Editor.app,
or Automator.app - must be added to the list at
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility,
using admin credentials.
* This handler activates Terminal first, which is required for it to work.
If there's no front window or if all windows are currently minimized, the
tab is created in a *new* window.
my makeNewTab("") # open new tab (without executing a command)
my makeNewTab("ls") # open new tab and execute shell command `ls`
on makeNewTab(shellCmdToRun)
tell application "Terminal"
# Note: If Terminal is not frontmost, clicking the new-tab menu item invariably
# creates the tab in a *new* window.
# Find the File menu by position and click the menu item whose keyboard shortcut is
# ⌘T - this should work with any display language.
tell application "System Events" to ¬
tell menu 1 of menu item 2 of menu 1 of menu bar item 3 of menu bar 1 ¬
of application process "Terminal" to click (the first menu item ¬
whose value of attribute "AXMenuItemCmdChar" is "T" and ¬
value of attribute "AXMenuItemCmdModifiers" is 0)
# If specified, run a shell command in the new tab.
if shellCmdToRun ≠ missing value and shellCmdToRun ≠ "" then
do script shellCmdToRun as text in selected tab of front window
end if
end tell
end makeNewTab
如果您愿意安装my ttab
CLI,则可以完全不使用AppleScript,而是从Run Shell Script
# Create tab in new window (-w) and run specified command.
ttab -w ssh root@
# Create additional tab in same window, with specific settings.
ttab -s Grass ssh root@