Mixin won't accept @content block with libsass

时间:2015-11-12 11:02:05

标签: node.js sass libsass

The error I get:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing white, a non-string value, to unquote()
will be an error in future versions of Sass.
    on line 56 of src/scss/_library.scss

  throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: src\scss\_library.scss
Error: Mixin "media" does not accept a content block.

    src/scss/_library.scss:27, in mixin `media-above`
    on line 27 of src/scss/_library.scss
>> @include media($min-query, null) { @content;

This is on windows 10 with all other gulpfile configs/tools working fine. I've tried npm update, npm rebuild node-sass, npm reinstall to cheack this. The mixin is loaded before the component styles.

It works fine with ruby-sass, this error appears when I'm using the libsass complier. Any ideas on why the content block cant be accpeted in the mixin?

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