acts_as_votable javascript html表

时间:2015-11-06 00:55:00

标签: javascript jquery html ruby-on-rails ruby

我试图在rails上的ruby中使用acts_as_votable gem。但是,当我需要将按钮添加到视图时,我会陷入困境。


我可以插入'喜欢'每个目的地的每一行按钮'项目。但是,这是否意味着我需要写一个&attach;以及一个' attachLikeHandler'用于处理单击like按钮时发生的情况?


var insertDest = function(dest) {
  // Find a <table> element with id="myTable":
  var table = document.getElementById("destTable");

  // Create an empty <tr> element and add it to the 1st position of the table:
  var row = table.insertRow(1);

  // Insert new cells (<td> elements) at the 1st and 2nd position of the "new" <tr> element:

  var name_cell = row.insertCell(0);
  var address_cell = row.insertCell(1);
  // var delete_cell = row.insertCell(2);

  var like_cell = row.insertCell(2);
  like_cell.innerHTML = '<input class="Like" type="button" value="Like" />';
  var like_count_cell = row.insertCell(3);
  like_count_cell.innerHTML= 0;

  // Add some text to the new cells:
  name_cell.innerHTML =;
  address_cell.innerHTML = dest.address;
  // delete_cell.innerHTML = "<div class='del'>x</div>";

var insertAllDest = function(trip){
    var d = trip.destinations;
    for (i in d){

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


但是,这是否意味着我需要写一个&#39; attachLikeHandler&#39;功能   处理单击like按钮时会发生什么?


$(".like").on('click', function() {
      method: "PUT",
      url: "/photos/" + $(this).attr("id"),   
      success: function(msg_from_server) {
        alert(msg_from_server);  //"Thanks for voting!" or "Sorry, you already voted!"

如果您的路线声明为resources :photos,则/photos/12等网址会向photos#update发送请求,然后更新操作params[:id]内的请求将为12。请注意,在构造html时,您需要将资源ID添加到html。