UITabBarController + UINavigationController和更多选项卡黑屏问题

时间:2015-11-05 00:08:13

标签: ios objective-c iphone uinavigationcontroller uitabbarcontroller








2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)






- (void)willTransitionToTraitCollection:(UITraitCollection *)newCollection withTransitionCoordinator:(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator>)coordinator
    //#define MORE_TAB_DEBUG 1
#define MoreTabDLog(fmt, ...) NSLog((@"[More Tab Debug] " fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define MoreTabDLog(...)

    MoreTabDLog(@"-- before willTransitionToTraitCollection");

     There is a bug when going in and out of the compact size class when a tab bar
     controller has more than 5 tabs. See http://www.openradar.me/25393521

     It comes down to this: When you have more than 5 tabs and a view controller on a tab
     beyond the 4th tab is a UINavigationController, you have a problem.
     When you are on this tab in compact and push one or more VCs onto the stack and then
     change back to regular width, only the top most view controller will be added back onto the

     This happens because the stack of your UINavigationController is taken out of that NavVC and put
     into the private UIMoreNavigationController. But upon rotating back to regular, that stack is not
     correctly put back into your own NavVC.

     We have 3 cases we have to handle:

     1) We are on the "More" tab in compact and are looking at the UIMoreListController and then change to
     regular size.
     2) While in compact width, we are on a tab greater than the 4th and are changing to regular width.
     3) While in regular width, we are on a tab greater than the 4th and are changing to compact width.

    if ((self.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass != newCollection.horizontalSizeClass) ||
        (self.traitCollection.verticalSizeClass != newCollection.verticalSizeClass))
         Case 1: We are on the "More" tab in compact and are looking at the UIMoreListController and then change to regular size.
        if ([self.selectedViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]] && [NSStringFromClass([self.selectedViewController class]) hasPrefix:@"UIMore"]) {
            // We are on the root of the MoreViewController in compact, going into regular.
            // That means we have to pop all the viewControllers in the MoreViewController to root
            UINavigationController *moreNavigationController = (UINavigationController *)self.selectedViewController;

            UIViewController *moreRootViewController = [moreNavigationController topViewController];

            MoreTabDLog(@"-- going OUT of compact while on UIMoreList");
            MoreTabDLog(@"moreRootViewController: %@", moreRootViewController);

            for (NSInteger overflowVCIndex = 4; overflowVCIndex < [self.viewControllers count]; overflowVCIndex++) {
                if ([self.viewControllers[overflowVCIndex] isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
                    UINavigationController *navigationController = (UINavigationController *)self.viewControllers[overflowVCIndex];
                    MoreTabDLog(@"popping %@ to root", navigationController);
                    [navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
        } else {
            BOOL isPotentiallyInOverflow = [self.viewControllers indexOfObject:self.selectedViewController] >= 4;

            MoreTabDLog(@"isPotentiallyInOverflow: %i", isPotentiallyInOverflow);

            if (isPotentiallyInOverflow && [self.selectedViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
                UINavigationController *selectedNavController = (UINavigationController *)self.selectedViewController;
                NSArray<UIViewController *> *selectedNavControllerStack = [selectedNavController viewControllers];

                MoreTabDLog(@"Selected Nav: %@, selectedNavStack: %@", selectedNavController, selectedNavControllerStack);
                UIViewController *lastChildVCOfTabBar = [[self childViewControllers] lastObject];

                if ([lastChildVCOfTabBar isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]] && [NSStringFromClass([lastChildVCOfTabBar class]) hasPrefix:@"UIMore"]) {
                     Case 2: While in compact width, we are on a tab greater than the 4th and are changing to regular width.

                     We are going OUT of compact
                    UINavigationController *moreNavigationController = (UINavigationController *)lastChildVCOfTabBar;

                    NSArray *moreNavigationControllerStack = [moreNavigationController viewControllers];

                    MoreTabDLog(@"--- going OUT of compact");
                    MoreTabDLog(@"moreNav: %@, moreNavStack: %@, targetNavStack: %@", moreNavigationController, moreNavigationControllerStack, selectedNavControllerStack);

                    if ([moreNavigationControllerStack count] > 1) {
                        NSArray *fixedTargetStack = [moreNavigationControllerStack subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, moreNavigationControllerStack.count - 1)];

                        MoreTabDLog(@"fixedTargetStack: %@", fixedTargetStack);

                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                            NSArray *correctVCList = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.viewControllers];
                            [selectedNavController willMoveToParentViewController:self];
                            [selectedNavController setViewControllers:fixedTargetStack animated:NO];
                            // We need to do this because without it, the selectedNavController doesn't
                            // have a parentViewController anymore.
                            [self addChildViewController:selectedNavController];

                            // We need to do this because otherwise the previous call will cause the given
                            // Tab to show up twice in the UIMoreListController.
                            [self setViewControllers:correctVCList];
                    } else {
                        MoreTabDLog(@"popping to root");
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                            [selectedNavController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
                } else {
                     Case 3: While in regular width, we are on a tab greater than the 4th and are changing to compact width.

                     We are going INTO compact

                    MoreTabDLog(@"-- going INTO compact");

                    if ([selectedNavControllerStack count] > 0) {
                        [coordinator animateAlongsideTransition:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext>  _Nonnull context) {
                            // no op
                        } completion:^(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext>  _Nonnull context) {
                            UIViewController *parentViewControllerOfTopVC = [[selectedNavControllerStack lastObject] parentViewController];

                            MoreTabDLog(@"parentViewControllerOfTopVC: %@", parentViewControllerOfTopVC);

                            if ([parentViewControllerOfTopVC isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]] && [NSStringFromClass([parentViewControllerOfTopVC class]) hasPrefix:@"UIMore"]) {
                                UINavigationController *moreNavigationController = (UINavigationController *)parentViewControllerOfTopVC;

                                NSArray *moreNavigationControllerStack = [moreNavigationController viewControllers];

                                BOOL isOriginalRootVCInMoreStack = [moreNavigationControllerStack containsObject:[selectedNavControllerStack firstObject]];

                                MoreTabDLog(@"moreNav: %@, moreNavStack: %@, isOriginalRootVCInMoreStack: %i", moreNavigationController, moreNavigationControllerStack, isOriginalRootVCInMoreStack);

                                if (!isOriginalRootVCInMoreStack) {
                                    NSArray *fixedMoreStack = [@[moreNavigationControllerStack[0]] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:selectedNavControllerStack];

                                    MoreTabDLog(@"fixedMoreStack: %@", fixedMoreStack);

                                    [selectedNavController setViewControllers:selectedNavControllerStack animated:NO];

                                    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                                        [moreNavigationController setViewControllers:fixedMoreStack animated:NO];


    [super willTransitionToTraitCollection:newCollection withTransitionCoordinator:coordinator];

    MoreTabDLog(@"-- after willTransitionToTraitCollection");



答案 1 :(得分:1)




- (UITraitCollection *)traitCollection {
    if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
        // Workaround to fix the iPhone 6 Plus roatation issue.
        UITraitCollection *curr = [super traitCollection];
        UITraitCollection *compact = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithHorizontalSizeClass:UIUserInterfaceSizeClassCompact];

        return [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithTraitsFromCollections:@[curr, compact]];

    return [super traitCollection];

然后,如果您需要访问真实特征,请覆盖-traitCollection中的UIViewController,以便从[UIScreen mainScreen]返回特征。


- (UITraitCollection *)traitCollection {
    return [UIScreen mainScreen].traitCollection;



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