SELECT emp.agerange as [age Range], count(emp.agerange) as [Number of employee on this age range]
WHEN age >60 THEN '60 And Up'
WHEN age >=41 and age <=60 THEN '41-60'
WHEN age >=21 and age <=40 THEN '21-40'
WHEN age <=20 THEN '20 And Below' END as agerange
from kin.dbo.Employee) emp
group by emp.agerange
答案 0 :(得分:0)
WITH emp as (
WHEN age >60 THEN '60 And Up'
WHEN age >=41 and age <=60 THEN '41-60'
WHEN age >=21 and age <=40 THEN '21-40'
WHEN age <=20 THEN '20 And Below' END as agerange
,l.LoanBalance -- might not be the field you are looking for
from kin.dbo.Employee
left join Loan l
on ??????) -- You decide the join condition between these two tables
SELECT emp.agerange as [age Range]
,count(*) as [Number of employee on this age range]
,count(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp) as pctAgeRange
,(SELECT SUM(LoanBalance) / COUNT(*) FROM emp) as avgLoanBalance
FROM emp
group by emp.agerange
答案 1 :(得分:0)
WITH cteRange AS (
WHEN age > 60 THEN '60 And Up'
WHEN age >= 41 and age <=60 THEN '41-60'
WHEN age >= 21 and age <=40 THEN '21-40'
WHEN age <= 20 THEN '20 And Below'
END AS 'ageRange'
FROM kin.dbo.Employee
SELECT cteRange.ageRange,
COUNT(*) AS 'Number of Employees',
SUM(emp.Salary) AS 'Total Salary',
AVG(emp.Salary) AS 'Average Salary',
ROUND(COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kin.dbo.Employee)*100,2) AS '% Employees in age Range'
FROM kin.dbo.Employee AS emp
INNER JOIN cteRange ON emp.ID = cteRange.ID
GROUP BY cteRange.ageRange
答案 2 :(得分:0)
不需要连接,平均值是一个简单的SQL AVG,可以使用GROUP SUM轻松计算百分比:
SELECT emp.agerange as [age Range],
count(*) as [Number of employee on this age range],
SUM(Salary) AS "Total Salary",
AVG(Salary) AS "Average Salary",
100 * COUNT(*) / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER () AS "% of employees in this range"
SELECT Salary,
WHEN age >60 THEN '60 And Up'
WHEN age >=41 and age <=60 THEN '41-60'
WHEN age >=21 and age <=40 THEN '21-40'
WHEN age <=20 THEN '20 And Below'
END as agerange
from kin.dbo.Employee
) emp
group by emp.agerange