# This function computes whether one of the input strings (input strings x and y) could be an abbreviation of the other
# input strings should be all the same case, and probably devoid of anything but letters and numbers
abbrevFind = function(x, y) {
# Compute the number of characters in each string
len.x = nchar(x)
len.y = nchar(y)
# Find out which string is shorter, and therefore a possible abbreviation
# split each string into its component characters
if (len.x < len.y) {
# Designate the abbreviation and the full string
abv = substring(x, 1:len.x, 1:len.x)
full = substring(y, 1:len.y, 1:len.y)
} else if (len.x >= len.y) {
abv = substring(y, 1:len.y, 1:len.y)
full = substring(x, 1:len.x, 1:len.x)
# Get the number of letters in the abbreviation
small = length(abv)
# Set up old position, which will be a comparison criteria
pos.old = 0
# set up an empty vector which will hold the letter positions of already used letters
letters = c()
# Loop through each letter in the abbreviation
for (i in 1:small) {
# Get the position in the full string of the ith letter in the abbreviation
pos = grep(abv[i], full)
# Exclude positions which have already been used
pos = pos[!pos %in% letters]
# Get the earliest position (note that if the grep found no matches, the min function will return 'Inf' here)
pos = min(pos)
# Store that position
letters[i] = pos
# If there are no matches to the current letter, or the current letter's only match is earlier in the string than the last match
# it is not a possible abbreviation. The loop breaks, and the function returns False
# If the function makes it all the way through without breaking out of the loop, the function will return true
if (is.infinite(pos) | pos <= pos.old) {abbreviation = F; break} else {abbreviation = T}
# Set old position equal to the current position
pos.old = pos
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#Just a library I prefer to use for regular expressions
#recursive function
checkAbbr <- function(abbr,word){
#Go through each letter in the abbr vector and trim the word string if found
word <- substring(word,(str_locate(word,abbr[1])[,1]+1))
abbr <- abbr[-1]
#as long as abbr still has characters, continue to loop recursively
if(!is.na(word) && length(abbr)>0){
#if a character from abbr was not found in word, it will return NA, which determines whether the abbr vector is an abbreviation of the word string
#Testing cases for abbreviation or not
checkAbbr(strsplit("abv","")[[1]],"abbreviation") #FALSE
checkAbbr(strsplit("avb","")[[1]],"abbreviation") #FALSE
checkAbbr(strsplit("z","")[[1]],"abbreviation") #FALSE