我正在尝试使用新的Android Mushroom Midi读取MIDI数据。 我正在尝试使用新的MIDI方法。
Android Midi有一个例子。它包含微调器,上下文,包装器,并且是复杂的方式以获得第一个理解。它有许多java程序和大约800行代码。我只想打开设备0和MIDI输出端口2。
是否有一个简单的例子只使用类m.openDevice和public void onDeviceOpened(MidiDevice device)?我正在寻找仅在main中运行的第一个示例,并生成textview输出。
// get the MIDI parameters out of the MIDI transmitter
public void midi_info() {
MidiManager m = (MidiManager) getSystemService(MIDI_SERVICE);
//get the system device information
final MidiDeviceInfo[] deviceInfo = m.getDevices();
//Your devices only have info in array poiston 0
MidiDeviceInfo info = deviceInfo[0];
// get the midi device port information
int numInputs = info.getInputPortCount();
int numOutputs = info.getOutputPortCount();
// test for a connection
if (numOutputs < 1) {
//out put no prot found
TextView textout = null;
textout = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.log);
textout.setText(" Midi Port Disconnected");
//send the device info to a test box
} else {
TextView textout = null;
textout = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.log);
textout.setText(String.format(" Midi Input Port Number = %d of %d \n" +
" Midi Output Port Number = %d of %d\n" +
" \n" +
" %s", MidiDeviceInfo.PortInfo.TYPE_INPUT, numInputs, MidiDeviceInfo.PortInfo.TYPE_OUTPUT, numOutputs, deviceInfo[0].toString()));
//method open_device opens midi device
public void open_device() {
//Call Midimanager within the onCreate method
MidiManager m = (MidiManager) getSystemService(MIDI_SERVICE);
MidiDeviceInfo[] info = m.getDevices();
final MidiDeviceInfo info0 = info[0];
//Open an instance of the class openDevice
Bundle properties = info0.getProperties();
final String name = properties.getString(MidiDeviceInfo.PROPERTY_NAME);
final String deviceusb = properties.getString(MidiDeviceInfo.PROPERTY_USB_DEVICE);
m.openDevice(info0, new OnDeviceOpenedListener() {
public void onDeviceOpened(MidiDevice device) {
if (name.equals("AndroidMidiScope0")) {
TextView textout = null;
textout = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.log);
textout.setText("Device failed to open");
} else {
TextView textout = null;
textout = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.log);
textout.setText(String.format("Device opened = %s", device));
int portNumber = 2;
MidiOutputPort OutputPort = device.openOutputPort(portNumber);
}, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()));
public class MyReceiver extends MidiReceiver {
MidiDevice device =null;
public void onSend(byte[] data, int offset, int count, long timestamp) throws IOException {
TextView textout = null;
textout = (TextView) textout.findViewById(R.id.log);
textout.setText(String.format("Midi Keydown detected data =%s", data[0]));