
时间:2015-10-30 10:37:34

标签: javascript d3.js graph dagre-d3





enter image description here

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是您要解决的一个非常重要的问题。 AFAIK dagre使用Brandes-Köpf算法的变体来计算对齐。即使您能理解该算法,调整它也很困难。相反,使用完全不同的算法可能会给你带来更好的结果:在yFiles for HTML's层次/ Sugiyama样式布局的实现中,使用单纯形网络秩分配算法,它通常不会遇到你在你身上看到的问题(否则非常好)绘图。 GraphViz也是该算法的has an implementation,因此使用它可能会为您的示例提供更好的结果。 Simplex方法在计算上要贵得多,但很容易配置和微调。

关于你的第一点:从快速查看来源我无法理解为什么问题出现在你的Dagre样本中。看起来传入边缘的端口分配不能正常工作 - 端口的位置应根据前一层中节点的相对位置进行排序。它看起来不像是错误的bezier控制点。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为最新的dagre库不再存在这些问题了。我复制了你的图表(click here for the demo)。它不完全相同但非常相似。


enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:0)

// Create a new directed graph
var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({});

// function to shuffle the list...
function shuffle(a) {
  var j, x, i;
  for (i = a.length; i; i -= 1) {
    j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    x = a[i - 1];
    a[i - 1] = a[j];
    a[j] = x;
  return a;

var nodes = ["10007154_1100", "148570017_1100", "148570018_1100", "148570019_1100",
  "148570025_1100", "148570010_1100", "148570021_1100", "148570020_1100",
  "148570026_1100", "148570011_1100", "148570022_1100", "148570010_1200", "148570020_1200", "148570026_1200", "148570023_1100", "148570011_1200",


// collect edges to a list
var edgeList = [
  ["10007154_1100", "148570017_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570017_1100", "148570018_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570018_1100", "148570019_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570018_1100", "148570025_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570019_1100", "148570020_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570019_1100", "148570021_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570019_1100", "148570010_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570025_1100", "148570010_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570025_1100", "148570026_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570021_1100", "148570022_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570010_1100", "148570011_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570010_1100", "148570010_1200", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570020_1100", "148570020_1200", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570026_1100", "148570026_1200", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570026_1200", "148570011_1200", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570010_1200", "148570011_1200", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570022_1100", "148570023_1100", {
    "label": ""
  ["148570023_1100", "148570023_1200", {
    "label": ""

// Automatically label each of the nodes

var svg = d3.select("svg"),
  inner = svg.select("g");

function render_graph(render) {

  var max_cnt = 100; // try 100 times, if optimal not found, give up
  var iter_cnt = 0;
  var optimalArray, best_result;
  while (max_cnt--) {
    var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({});
    nodes.forEach(function(node) {
      g.setNode(node, {
        label: node

    // set edges... randomize the list
    var list = shuffle(edgeList);
    if (!optimalArray) optimalArray = list;
    edgeList.forEach((edge) => {
      g.setEdge.apply(g, edge);

    // Set the rankdir
    g.graph().rankdir = "LR";
    g.graph().nodesep = 60;

    render(inner, g);

    var nn = svg.select(".edgePaths");
    var paths = nn[0][0];
    var fc = paths.firstChild;
    var boxes = [];
    while (fc) {
      // console.log(fc.firstChild.getAttribute("d"))
      var path = fc.firstChild.getAttribute("d");
      var coords = path.split(/,|L/).map(function(c) {
        var n = c;
        if ((c[0] == "M" || c[0] == "L")) n = c.substring(1);
        return parseFloat(n);
        left: coords[0],
        top: coords[1],
        right: coords[coords.length - 2],
        bottom: coords[coords.length - 1]
      // console.log(coords);
      fc = fc.nextSibling;
    // console.log("boxes", boxes);
    var collisionCnt = 0;
    boxes.forEach(function(a) {
      // --> test for collisions against other nodes...
      boxes.forEach(function(b) {
        if (a == b) return;
        // test if outside
        if ((a.right < b.left) ||
          (a.left > b.right) ||
          (a.top > b.bottom) ||
          (a.bottom < b.top)) {

          // test if inside
          if (a.left >= b.left && a.left <= b.right || a.right >= b.left && a.right <= b.right) {
            if (a.top <= b.top && a.top >= b.bottom) {
            if (a.bottom <= b.top && a.bottom >= b.bottom) {
        } else {
    console.log("collisions ", collisionCnt);
    if (collisionCnt == 0) {
      optimalArray = list.slice();
      console.log("Iteration cnt ", iter_cnt);
    if (typeof(best_result) == "undefined") {
      best_result = collisionCnt;
    } else {
      if (collisionCnt < best_result) {
        optimalArray = list.slice();
        best_result = collisionCnt;

  // if no optimal was found just render what was found...
  if (best_result >= 0) {
    var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({});
    nodes.forEach(function(node) {
      g.setNode(node, {
        label: node
    optimalArray.forEach((edge) => {
      g.setEdge.apply(g, edge);
    g.graph().rankdir = "LR";
    g.graph().nodesep = 60;
    render(inner, g);

  // Center the graph
  var initialScale = 0.75;
    .translate([(svg.attr("width") - g.graph().width * initialScale) / 2, 20])
  svg.attr('height', g.graph().height * initialScale + 40);


// Set up zoom support
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function() {
  inner.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" +
    "scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");

// Create the renderer
var render = new dagreD3.render();


// Run the renderer. This is what draws the final graph.