这不是我想要的。我想从数据框中随机提取组 不是每个子集的随机行。
xx <- rep(rep(seq(0,800,200),each=10),times=2)
yy<-c(replicate(2,sort(10^runif(10,-1,0),decreasing=TRUE)),replicate(2,sort(10^runif(10,-1,0),decreasing=TRUE)), replicate(2,sort(10^runif(10,-2,0),decreasing=TRUE)),replicate(2,sort(10^runif(10,-3,0),decreasing=TRUE)), replicate(2,sort(10^runif(10,-4,0), decreasing=TRUE)))
V <- rep(seq(100,2500,length.out=10),times=2)
No <- rep(1:10,each=10)
df <- data.frame(V,xx,yy,No)
random <- df %>%
sample_n(5,replace=T) ## This part is the problem.
V xx yy No
1 100.0000 0 0.9877468589 1
2 366.6667 0 0.6658268649 1
3 633.3333 0 0.4408336374 1
4 900.0000 0 0.4136939054 1
5 1166.6667 0 0.4104986026 1
6 1433.3333 0 0.3899468530 1
7 1700.0000 0 0.3042157845 1
8 1966.6667 0 0.1585948347 1
9 2233.3333 0 0.1307305044 1
10 2500.0000 0 0.1079459480 1
11 100.0000 200 0.7437972385 2
12 366.6667 200 0.7130753133 2
13 633.3333 200 0.6000577122 2
14 900.0000 200 0.5038569759 2
15 1166.6667 200 0.3740146819 2
16 1433.3333 200 0.3605675251 2
17 1700.0000 200 0.1821736571 2
18 1966.6667 200 0.1542015388 2
19 2233.3333 200 0.1453810015 2
20 2500.0000 200 0.1142553452 2
21 100.0000 400 0.9712414163 3
22 366.6667 400 0.5420861908 3
23 633.3333 400 0.4622129942 3
24 900.0000 400 0.3634606046 3
25 1166.6667 400 0.3541710297 3
26 1433.3333 400 0.3451167353 3
27 1700.0000 400 0.2413016960 3
28 1966.6667 400 0.2356020402 3
29 2233.3333 400 0.2054358298 3
30 2500.0000 400 0.1132074106 3
31 100.0000 600 0.9220690387 4
32 366.6667 600 0.8772938566 4
33 633.3333 600 0.7560569362 4
34 900.0000 600 0.5395093190 4
35 1166.6667 600 0.3696490756 4
36 1433.3333 600 0.1585255169 4
37 1700.0000 600 0.1425756544 4
38 1966.6667 600 0.1135199782 4
39 2233.3333 600 0.1061660399 4
40 2500.0000 600 0.1052644706 4
41 100.0000 800 0.6175240054 5
42 366.6667 800 0.5527556076 5
43 633.3333 800 0.4339775258 5
44 900.0000 800 0.2462104866 5
45 1166.6667 800 0.1955550477 5
46 1433.3333 800 0.1701907232 5
47 1700.0000 800 0.0824833313 5
48 1966.6667 800 0.0483463760 5
49 2233.3333 800 0.0246629341 5
50 2500.0000 800 0.0186177562 5
51 100.0000 0 0.8977179587 6
52 366.6667 0 0.8087930175 6
53 633.3333 0 0.5547978713 6
54 900.0000 0 0.4395436341 6
55 1166.6667 0 0.2972449261 6
56 1433.3333 0 0.0925262903 6
57 1700.0000 0 0.0665688788 6
58 1966.6667 0 0.0309263319 6
59 2233.3333 0 0.0238500731 6
60 2500.0000 0 0.0213679919 6
61 100.0000 200 0.7777420232 7
62 366.6667 200 0.2299083233 7
63 633.3333 200 0.0611370244 7
64 900.0000 200 0.0228982941 7
65 1166.6667 200 0.0150085546 7
66 1433.3333 200 0.0076922035 7
67 1700.0000 200 0.0066120335 7
68 1966.6667 200 0.0062052827 7
69 2233.3333 200 0.0037895910 7
70 2500.0000 200 0.0011051211 7
71 100.0000 400 0.3829786486 8
72 366.6667 400 0.1901274442 8
73 633.3333 400 0.1775864007 8
74 900.0000 400 0.0567928196 8
75 1166.6667 400 0.0414294193 8
76 1433.3333 400 0.0127875497 8
77 1700.0000 400 0.0105576089 8
78 1966.6667 400 0.0051503839 8
79 2233.3333 400 0.0035216836 8
80 2500.0000 400 0.0012326419 8
81 100.0000 600 0.0370072219 9
82 366.6667 600 0.0297765049 9
83 633.3333 600 0.0219866835 9
84 900.0000 600 0.0140510807 9
85 1166.6667 600 0.0021593963 9
86 1433.3333 600 0.0018936887 9
87 1700.0000 600 0.0017860546 9
88 1966.6667 600 0.0001551491 9
89 2233.3333 600 0.0001345905 9
90 2500.0000 600 0.0001048041 9
91 100.0000 800 0.7343220323 10
92 366.6667 800 0.1653557177 10
93 633.3333 800 0.1006331452 10
94 900.0000 800 0.0083407709 10
95 1166.6667 800 0.0043037301 10
96 1433.3333 800 0.0032461136 10
97 1700.0000 800 0.0015843809 10
98 1966.6667 800 0.0004819055 10
99 2233.3333 800 0.0002991639 10
100 2500.0000 800 0.0001447263 10
答案 0 :(得分:8)
# sample from distinct values of No
my_groups <-
df %>%
select(No) %>%
distinct %>%
# merge the two datasets
my_df <-
left_join(my_groups, df)