所以说有各种面额的堆栈。每个堆栈都是无限的。 (如此无限数量的25c硬币,无限数量的2c硬币等)。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
最后,您应该遍历所有可能的位组合。将状态值与目标总和和位组合进行比较。选择最低 - 这将是答案。
#Available coins: (top coin value, other coins value)
stacks = [(17,8),(5,3),(11,1),(6,4)]
#Target sum
target_value = 70
states = dict()
states[(0,0)] = (0,None,None)
#DP going from sum 0 to target sum, bottom up:
for value in xrange(0, target_value):
#For each sum, consider every possible combination of bits
for bits in xrange(0, 2 ** len(stacks)):
#Can we get to this sum with this bits?
if (value,bits) in states:
count = states[(value,bits)][0]
#Let's take coin from each stack
for stack in xrange(0, len(stacks)):
stack_bit = (1 << stack)
if bits & stack_bit:
#Top coin already used, take second
cost = stacks[stack][1]
transition = (value + cost, bits)
#Top coin not yet used
cost = stacks[stack][0]
transition = (value + cost, bits | stack_bit)
#If we can get a better solution for state with sum and bits
#update it
if (not (transition in states)) or states[transition][0] > count + 1:
#First element is coins number
#Second is 'backtrack reference'
#Third is coin value for this step
states[transition] = (count+1, (value,bits), cost)
min_count = target_value + 1
min_state = None
#Find the best solution over all states with sum=target_value
for bits in xrange(0, 2 ** len(stacks)):
if (target_value,bits) in states:
count = states[(target_value,bits)][0]
if count < min_count:
min_count = count
min_state = (target_value, bits)
collected_coins = []
state = min_state
if state == None:
print "No solution"
#Follow backtrack references to get individual coins
while state <> (0,0):
state = states[state][1]
print "Solution: %s" % list(reversed(collected_coins))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
以下解决方案基于两个事实 1)所有可用面额中的无限数量的硬币
Let Given number be x
call the below method repeatedly until you reach your coin value,
Each time of iteration pass the remaining value to be assigned with coins and also the coin denomination
Method which will receive the number and the coin value
Parameters: x - coin to be allocated
z - value of coin
if(x > z) {
integer y = x/z * z
if(y == x) {
x is divisible by z and hence allocate with x/z number of coins of z value.
if(Y != x) {
x is not a multiple of z and hence allocate with x/z number of coins from z cents value and then for remaining amount repeat the same logic mentioned here by having the next greatest denomination of
else if(x < z) {
return from this method;
else if(x == z) {
x is divisible by z and hence allocate with x/z number of coins of z value
Example iteration:
Given number = 48c
Coins denomination: 25c, 10c, 5c, 2c, 1c
First Iteration:
Parameter x = 48c and z = 25c
return value would be a map of 1 coin of 25c, [25c , 1]
calculate the remaining amount 48c - 25c = 23c
23c is not equal to zero and not equal to 1 continue the loop.
Second Iteration:
Parameter x = 23c and z = 10c
return value would be a map of 2 coins of 10c, [10c, 2]
calculate the remaining amount 23c - 20c = 3c
3c is not equal to zero and not equal to 1 continue the loop.
Third Iteration:
Parameter x = 3c and z = 5c
No coins allocated
3c is not equal to zero and not equal to 1 continue the loop.
Fourth Iteration:
Parameter x = 3c and z = 2c
return value would be a map of 1 coin of 2c, [2c, 1]
Remaining amount 3c - 2c = 1c
Remaining amount Equals to 1 add an entry in map [1c, 1]
Final Map Entries:
[25c, 1]
[10c, 2]
[2c, 1]
[1c, 1]
[1c, 1]