
时间:2015-10-23 23:26:44

标签: python loops while-loop


import random

def computerChoice():
    gameList = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]
    computerChoice = random.choice(gameList)

def userChoice(computerChoice):
    userScore = 0
    computerScore = 0
    rounds = 0
    print("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors. You are playing against the computer on best out of three game, winner takes all! Have Fun!")
    while userScore < 2 and computerScore < 2:
        userAnswer = input("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors: ")
        if userAnswer == "Rock" and computerChoice != "Paper":
            userScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Loses and You Win the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Paper" and computerChoice != "Scissors":
            userScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Loses and You Win the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Scissors" and computerChoice != "Rock":
            userScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Loses and You Win the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Rock" and computerChoice == "Paper":
            computerScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Wins and You Lose the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Paper" and computerChoice == "Scissors":
            computerScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Wins and You Lose the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Scissors" and computerChoice == "Rock":
            computerScore += 1
            rounds += 1
            print("The Computer Wins and You Lose the Round!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Rock" and computerChoice == "Rock":
            print("This round is a PUSH!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Scissors" and computerChoice == "Scissors":
            print("This round is a PUSH!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
        elif userAnswer == "Paper" and computerChoice == "Paper":
            print("This round is a PUSH!")
            print("You have a score of " + str(userScore) + " and the computer has a score of " + str(computerScore))
            print("Whatever you just inputed doesn't work noodlehead, try again!")

x = computerChoice()

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


computerChoice = random.choice(gameList)


while userScore < 2 and computerScore < 2:
    userAnswer = input("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors: ")
    computerChoice = random.choice(gameList)
    # Compare to see who won.


def game():
    print("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors. You are playing against the computer on best out of three game, winner takes all! Have Fun!")
    userScore, computerScore, rounds = game_loop()

def game_loop(available_options: list=["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]):
    computerScore = 0
    userScore = 0
    rounds = 0
    while userScore < 2 and computerScore < 2:
        userAnswer = input("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors: ")
        computerChoice = random.choice(available_options)
        // compare and score (preferably in their own functions)

    return userScore, computerScore, rounds

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import random

def computerChoice():
    gameList = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]
    return random.choice(gameList)

def userChoice(computerChoice):
    userScore = 0
    computerScore = 0
    rounds = 0
    print("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors. You are playing against the computer on best out of three game, winner takes all! Have Fun!")
    while userScore < 2 and computerScore < 2:
        userAnswer = input("Please choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors: ")
        #all your if statements and stuff
        computerChoice = computerChoice()
