错误:无法请求证书 - Puppet版本问题

时间:2015-10-22 04:11:57

标签: ssl puppet puppet-enterprise puppetlabs-apache


puppet agent --server *MasterName* --waitforcert 60 --test

。当我尝试yum upgrade puppet时,我无所事事。对此错误有任何帮助吗?

Error: Could not request certificate: Find /production/certificate/ca?fail_on_404=true resulted in 404 with the message: {"message":"Not Found: Error: Invalid URL - Puppet expects requests that conform to the /puppet and /puppet-ca APIs.\n\nNote that Puppet 3 agents aren't compatible with this version; if you're running Puppet 3, you must either upgrade your agents to match the server or point them to a server running Puppet 3.\n\nMaster Info:\n  Puppet version: 4.2.2\n  Supported /puppet API versions: v3\n  Supported /puppet-ca API versions: v1","issue_kind":"HANDLER_NOT_FOUND"}

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