R中的函数 - 使用eval()和parse()在rgl中绘制表达式

时间:2015-10-21 13:32:37

标签: r function eval readline rgl


flight_sim <- function(xval, yval, zval)
# Evaluate arguments and convert them into expressions 
eval(parse(text = zval))
z <- data.frame(zval)
eval(parse(text = xval))
x <- data.frame(xval)
eval(parse(text = yval))
y <- data.frame(yval)
flight_path <- as.data.frame(cbind(x,y,z))


cat('Select the flight path you wish to plot from the list below : 
1. Helix
2. Conical
3. Spherical
4. Define your own flight path...')

userplot <- readline('Enter number here : ') # Allow user to enter choice from above

switch(userplot,"1"=flight_sim( sin(z), 1-cos(z), seq(0,20, pi/32) ),
                "2"=flight_sim( z*cos(6*z), z*sin(6*z), seq(0,10, pi/64) ),
                "3"=flight_sim( sin(z)*cos(20*z), sin(z)*sin(20*z), seq(0,pi,pi/399)), 



Error in parse(text = xval) : object 'z' not found



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


flight_sim <- function(xval, yval, zval) {
    z <- eval(substitute(zval))
    x <- eval(substitute(xval))
    y <- eval(substitute(yval))


x <- switch(userplot,"1"=flight_sim( sin(z), 1-cos(z), seq(0,20, pi/32) ),
                "2"=flight_sim( z*cos(6*z), z*sin(6*z), seq(0,10, pi/64) ),
                "3"=flight_sim( sin(z)*cos(20*z), sin(z)*sin(20*z), seq(0,pi,pi/399)), 
#            x          y          z
# 1 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
# 2 0.04697370 0.01424932 0.04908739
# 3 0.08162934 0.05454298 0.09817477
# 4 0.09342212 0.11383519 0.14726216
# 5 0.07513972 0.18140332 0.19634954
# 6 0.02405703 0.24425508 0.24543693

答案 1 :(得分:0)


flight_sim <- function(userplot) {
  if (userplot == "1") {
    z <- seq(0, 20, pi / 32)
    x <- sin(z)
    y <- 1 - cos(z)
  } else if (userplot == "2") {
    z <- seq(0, 10, pi / 64)
    x <- z * cos(6 * z)
    y <- z * sin(6 * z)
  } else if (userplot == "3") {
    z <- seq(0, pi, pi / 399)
    x <- sin(z) * cos(20 * z)
    y <- sin(z) * sin(20 * z)
  } else if (userplot == "4") {
    x <- readline("Please enter a function for the x-value: ")
    y <- readline("Please enter a function for the y-value: ")
    z <- readline("Please enter a function for the z-value: ")
    eval(parse(text = z)) # have to evaluate z first since x and y are functions of z
    eval(parse(text = x))
    eval(parse(text = y))
  } else {
    valid_response <- FALSE
    while (!valid_response) {
      userplot <- readline("Please enter a valid response (1-4): ")
      if (userplot %in% 1:4) {
        valid_response <- TRUE
  dat <- data.frame(x, y, z)

cat('Select the flight path you wish to plot from the list below : 
1. Helix
    2. Conical
    3. Spherical
    4. Define your own flight path...')

userplot <- readline('Enter number here : ') # Allow user to enter choice from above

dat <- flight_sim(userplot)

                     x                    y                    z
1 0.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000
2 0.046973698885313400 0.014249315773629733 0.049087385212340517
3 0.081629338302900922 0.054542980081485989 0.098174770424681035
4 0.093422122547587999 0.113835185692147969 0.147262155637021552
5 0.075139716235543288 0.181403322008714424 0.196349540849362070
6 0.024057025623845932 0.244255080177979672 0.245436926061702587
