我已经编写了这个程序,在另一个函数中读取id,函数名称和课程成绩信用,然后计算尝试的总学分,总学分,总成绩和总学分。 在我写完之后没有错误,但它显示了事情
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
//functions prototype
int main() {
ifstream inf;
ofstream outf;
int id;
string name;
string courseid, grade;
int cridit;
int tcattempted, tcearned, tcredits;
double tgpoints;
//opening file
if (inf) {
outf << "error, can not open file " << endl;
return 1;
//header function
//read name and id function
ReadIDAndName(inf, id, name);
outf << id << " " << name;
outf << endl;
//read course data function
ReadCourseData(inf, courseid, grade, cridit);
outf << "course" << " " << "grade" << " " << "credit" << endl;
while (!inf.eof()) {
outf << courseid << " " << grade << " " << cridit << endl;
// calculate function
Calculate(grade, cridit, tcattempted, tcearned, tgpoints, tcredits);
outf << "total credit attemted =" << tcattempted;
outf << "total credit earned =" << tcearned;
outf << "total grade point earned =" << tgpoints;
outf << " grade point average =" << tcredits;
//close file
return 0;
//end of program
//function header
void header(ofstream& outf) {
outf << setw(8) << "sultan gaboos university" << endl;
outf << setw(8) << "student information sestem" << endl;
outf << setw(8) << "contact show your id: show your name" << endl;
outf << "****************************************************" << endl;
//function read name
void ReadIDAndName(ifstream& inf, int& id, string& name) {
getline(inf, name, '/');
inf >> id>>name;
//function read course data
bool ReadCourseData(ifstream& inf, string& courseid, string& grade, int& cridit) {
bool exist = false;
do {
getline(inf, courseid, '/');
inf >> courseid >> grade>>cridit;
} while (exist);
return true;
//function get grade point
double GetGradePoints(string grade) {
double cradepoint;
if (grade == "A")
cradepoint = 4.0;
else if (grade == "A-")
cradepoint = 3.7;
else if (grade == "B+")
cradepoint = 3.3;
else if (grade == "B")
cradepoint = 3.0;
else if (grade == "B-")
cradepoint = 2.7;
else if (grade == "C+")
cradepoint = 2.3;
else if (grade == "C")
cradepoint = 2.0;
else if (grade == "C-")
cradepoint = 1.7;
else if (grade == "D+")
cradepoint = 1.3;
else if (grade == "D")
cradepoint = 1.0;
else if (grade == "F")
cradepoint = 0.0;
else if (grade == "I")
cradepoint = 0.0;
else if (grade == "W")
cradepoint = 0.0;
else if (grade == "P")
cradepoint = 0.0;
cout << "wrong " << endl;
return cradepoint;
//function for calculations
void Calculate(string grade, int cridit, int& tcattempted, int& tcearned, double& tgpoints, int& tcredits) {
ifstream inf;
string courseid;
double cradepoint;
ReadCourseData(inf, courseid, grade, cridit);
int count = 0;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tcattempted = cridit + count;
} while (cridit != 'I' && cridit != 'W');
do {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tcearned = cridit + count;
} while (cridit != 'I' && cridit != 'P' && cridit != 'F');
do {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tgpoints = (cridit * cradepoint) + count;
} while (cridit != 'P');
if (cridit != 'p' && cridit != 'I' && cridit != 'W') {
tcredits = tcearned / tcattempted;