
时间:2015-10-19 08:55:09

标签: jquery css treeview

我正在覆盖asp.net的TreeView控件的一些功能。我在树级视图中为1级或2级节点提供了一个css类。对于其余的节点,我不需要任何要分配的Css课程。我在Treeview课程中分配的#con; con'节点的css类是这样的:

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

Public Class Node
    Inherits TreeNode

    Public Property NodeID As Integer

    Public Property NodeType As enumNodeTypes

    Public Property NodeParentID As Integer

    Public Property StatusColor As ColorStatus

    Public Property NodeName As String
            Return Me.Text
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            'Me.Text = value
            Me.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value)
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property NodeValue As String
            Return Me.Value
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.Value = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property NodeDataSource As List(Of Node)

    Public Property NodeImageUrl As String
            Return Me.ImageUrl
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.ImageUrl = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property NodeNavigateUrl As String
            Return Me.NavigateUrl
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.NavigateUrl = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property NodeTarget As String
            Return Me.Target
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.Target = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property NodeToolTip As String
            Return Me.ToolTip

        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            Me.ToolTip = value
        End Set
    End Property

    'Private _CssClass As String
    'Public Property CssClass As String
    '    Get
    '        Return _CssClass
    '    End Get
    '    Set(ByVal value As String)
    '        _CssClass = value
    '    End Set
    'End Property

    Public Sub New(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strValue As String, ByVal intNodeType As enumNodeTypes)
        MyBase.New(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strText), strValue)
        Me.NodeValue = intNodeType & ";" & strValue
        NodeName = strText
        NodeDataSource = New List(Of Node)
    End Sub

    '------- Added for Highrise Engineering ------------
    Public Sub New(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strValue As String, ByVal intNodeType As enumNodeTypes, ByVal strNodeImageURL As String, ByVal strTreeID As String)
        MyBase.New(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strText), strValue)
        Me.NodeValue = intNodeType & ";" & strValue & ";" & strTreeID
        Me.NodeImageUrl = strNodeImageURL
        NodeName = strText
        NodeDataSource = New List(Of Node)

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strValue As String, ByVal intNodeType As enumNodeTypes, ByVal strNodeImageURL As String)
        MyBase.New(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strText), strValue)
        Me.NodeValue = intNodeType & ";" & strValue
        Me.NodeImageUrl = strNodeImageURL
        NodeName = strText
        NodeDataSource = New List(Of Node)
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strValue As String, ByVal objSalesStatus As ColorStatus, ByVal intNodeType As enumNodeTypes)
        MyBase.New(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strText), strValue)
        'NodeValue = strValue
        Me.NodeValue = intNodeType & ";" & strValue
        NodeName = strText
        NodeDataSource = New List(Of Node)

        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "TempBooked", Drawing.Color.Red)
        '                ElseIf eachUnit.UnitSaleStatus = 5 Then

        '                ElseIf eachUnit.UnitSaleStatus = 3 Then
        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "AgrrNotDoneSaleNotLock", Drawing.Color.SkyBlue)
        '                ElseIf eachUnit.UnitSaleStatus = 8 Then
        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "AgrrNotDoneSaleLock", Drawing.Color.SkyBlue) 'Skybluewithlock(image)
        '                ElseIf eachUnit.UnitSaleStatus = 7 Then
        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "AgrrDoneSaleLock", Drawing.Color.DarkBlue) 'DarkBluewithlock(image)
        '                ElseIf eachUnit.UnitSaleStatus = 6 Then
        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "AgrrDoneSaleNotLock", Drawing.Color.DarkBlue) 'DarkBlue(image)
        '                Else
        'objSaleStatus = New ColorStatus(1, "TempBooked", Drawing.Color.Red)

        Select Case objSalesStatus.StatusName
            Case "TempBooked"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\10_Unsold.png"

            Case "Hold"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\20_On-Hold.PNG"

            Case "TempTillDateBooked"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\30_Temp-Booked.png"

            Case "Booking"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\40_Booking.png"

            Case "AgrrNotDoneSaleNotLock"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\50_Sold.png"

            Case "AgrrDoneSaleNotLock"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\60_Agreement.png"

                'Anjali: for 13.0.12


            Case "AgrrNotDoneSaleLock"
                'Anjali: for 13.0.12: changed image
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\50_Sold.png"

            Case "AgrrDoneSaleLock"
                'Anjali: for 13.0.12: changed image
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\50_Sold.png"

                'Anjali: for 13.0.12

            Case "BookingPSNotAttached"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\50_Sold.png"
            Case "Freeze"
                Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\50_Sold.png"



                'Case "TempBooked"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\HOUSE.bmp"
                '    'Anjali: for 13.0.12
                '    '-------------------
                'Case "TempTillDateBooked"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\HouseTemporaryTillDateBooking.png"
                '    '---------------------
                'Case "AgrrNotDoneSaleNotLock"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\SoldHouse.bmp"

                'Case "AgrrNotDoneSaleLock"
                '    'Anjali: for 13.0.12: changed image
                '    '-----------------------------------
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\SoldHouseLock.png"
                '    '---------------------

                'Case "AgrrDoneSaleLock"
                '    'Anjali: for 13.0.12: changed image
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\SoldHouseAggDoneLock.png"
                '    '----------------------

                'Case "AgrrDoneSaleNotLock"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\SoldHouseAggDone.bmp"

                '    'Anjali: for 13.0.12
                '    '----------------------
                'Case "Booking"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\HouseBooking.png"
                'Case "BookingPSNotAttached"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\HouseBookingLock.png"
                'Case "Freeze"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\HouseFreeze.png"
                '    '----------------------

                '    '13.0.25
                '    '-------
                'Case "Hold"
                '    Me.NodeImageUrl = "~\Images\House_OnHold.PNG"
                '    '-------
        End Select

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strValue As String, ByVal strImageURL As String, ByVal strNavigateURL As String, ByVal strTarget As String, ByVal intNodeType As enumNodeTypes)
        MyBase.New(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strText), strValue, strImageURL, strNavigateURL, strTarget)
        'NodeValue = strValue
        Me.NodeValue = intNodeType & ";" & strValue
        Me.NodeName = strText
        Me.NodeImageUrl = strImageURL
        Me.NodeNavigateUrl = strNavigateURL
        Me.NodeTarget = strTarget
        'Me.NodeType = intNodeType

        NodeDataSource = New List(Of Node)

    End Sub

    'Protected Overrides Sub LoadViewState(ByVal savedState As Object)
    '    If savedState IsNot Nothing Then
    '        Dim myState() As Object = CType(savedState, Object())
    '        If myState(0) IsNot Nothing Then
    '            MyBase.LoadViewState(myState(0))
    '        End If
    '        If myState(1) IsNot Nothing Then
    '            CssClass = myState(1).ToString
    '        End If
    '    End If
    'End Sub

    'Protected Overrides Function SaveViewState() As Object
    '    Dim baseState As Object = MyBase.SaveViewState()
    '    Dim allStates(3) As Object
    '    allStates(0) = baseState
    '    allStates(1) = CssClass
    '    Return allStates
    'End Function
    Protected Sub Load(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
        Dim sbCss As New Text.StringBuilder
        If (
            Me.Depth < 3 And Me.Depth > 0) Then
            writer.AddAttribute("class", "con")
        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Sub Init(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
        Dim sbCss As New Text.StringBuilder
        If (
            Me.Depth < 3 And Me.Depth > 0) Then
            writer.AddAttribute("class", "con")
        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub RenderPreText(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
        'writer.AddAttribute("href", "")

        ''writer.AddAttribute("oncontextmenu", "alert('" & Me.NodeName & "');return false;")
        'Project = 0
        ' Building = 1
        ' Wing = 2
        ' Unit = 3
        'Parking = 5

        If (Me.Depth < 3 And Me.Depth > 0) Then
            writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "con")

        End If
        'Me.NodeType <> 0 Dim sbMouseDownScript As New Text.StringBuilder
        '   sbMouseDownScript.Append("var rightclick;")
        '   sbMouseDownScript.Append("var e = window.event;")
        '  sbMouseDownScript.Append("if (e.which) rightclick = (e.which == 3);")
        '  sbMouseDownScript.Append("else if (e.button) rightclick = (e.button == 2);")
        ' sbMouseDownScript.Append("if (rightclick) alert('" & Me.NodeName & "');")
        '  writer.AddAttribute("onmousedown", sbMouseDownScript.ToString)
        'writer.AddAttribute("ondoubleclick", sbTaskClickScript.ToString)

        'writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, Me.CssClass)

        'writer.AddAttribute("class", CssClass)

        'writer.WriteFullBeginTag("div style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:9pt;width: 100%;color:Black'")

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub RenderPostText(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
        If (
                 Me.Depth < 3 And Me.Depth > 0) Then
            writer.AddAttribute("class", "con")
        End If

    End Sub

End Class

Public Enum enumNodeTypes

    '---Used for Project-Building-Units Treeview
    Project = 0
    Building = 1
    Wing = 2
    Unit = 3
    Parking = 5

    '---Used for Templates Treeview
    TemplateType = 6
    PaymentScheduleTemplate = 7
    OtherChargesTemplate = 8
    ExtraWorkTemplate = 9
    AgreementOtherCharges = 10

    '---Used for Tasks Treeview
    TaskGroup = 31
    Task = 4

    '------- Added for Highrise Engineering ------------
    '-- Following are just some random constants which are not used earlier in this enum 
    '---They are used only for identifying the node type
    '---These values are not saved in the database

    'Used to identify the Root Node
    Root = 999

    '---Used to identify dummy nodes in the treeview
    Dummy_Materials = 1001
    Dummy_Equipments = 1002
    Dummy_Labours = 1003
    Dummy_QualityChecks = 1004
    Dummy_Requisitions = 1005
    Dummy_WorkOrders = 1006
    Dummy_Dependencies = 1007

    '---Used for Labour Treeview
    LabourGroup = 41
    Labour = 40

    '---Used for Material Treeview
    MaterialGroup = 51
    Material = 50

    '---Used for Equipment Treeview
    EquipmentGroup = 61
    Equipment = 60

    '---Used for Quality Treeview
    QualityCheckGroup = 71
    QualityCheck = 70

    '---Used for Task Treeview
    Requisition = 80
    WorkOrder = 90

    '----------Used for Schedule
    Dependency = 95

    TenderItemGroup = 101
    TenderItem = 102
    TenderItemTask = 103
    TenderEnquiryItemGroup = 201
    TenderEnquiryItem = 202
End Enum

Public Enum enumCallingApplication
End Enum

我正在使用jquery在css类为&#39; con&#39;的节点上应用上下文菜单。但问题是当我选择任何节点时所有其他松散的css类。

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
            selector: '#divLibraryTreeView .con',
            callback: function (key, options) {
                var m = "clicked: " + key;
                window.console && console.log(m) || alert(m);
            items: {
                "edit": {
                    name: "Add group",
                    icon: "add",
                    callback: function () { document.getElementById('<%= imgbtnAddNewGroup.ClientID %>').click();   }
                "cut": {
                    name: "Add task",
                    icon: "add",
                    callback: function () { document.getElementById('<%= imgbtnAddNew.ClientID %>').click(); }
                "cancel": {
                    name: "Cancel",
                    icon: "cross",
                    callback: function () { return true; }

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


                <asp:TreeNodeStyle Font-Underline="False" />
                <asp:TreeNodeStyle CssClass="con" Font-Underline="False" />
                <asp:TreeNodeStyle CssClass="con" Font-Underline="False" />