
时间:2015-10-19 05:36:14

标签: php mysql sql sharing


id | name | number
 1 | Dan  | 0209
 2 | Sam  | 2854
 3 | Dave | 8123
 4 | Alex | 5600

id | userid | path
 1 |  3     | dave-dog.jpg
 2 |  1     | dans-cat.png
 3 |  4     | alex-bird.jpg
 4 |  2     | sam-fish.jpg

id | actor | target
 1 |  2    | 1   // Sam is following Sam
 2 |  2    | 4   // Sam is following Alex
 3 |  1    | 3   // Dan is following Dave
 4 |  4    | 2   // Alex is following Sam

id | photoid | userid | context               | date
 1 |   3     |  4     | add-new-photo         | 10/10/2015
 2 |   1     |  3     | add-new-photo         | 12/10/2015
 3 |   3     |  2     | Sam-share-Alex-photo  | 15/10/2015
 4 |   4     |  2     | add-new-photo         | 20/10/2015
 6 |   1     |  1     | Dan-like-Dave-photo   | 21/10/2015

#user_table保存用户的基本信息,而#photo_tbl保存用户共享的照片的名称和路径。在#friendship_tbl中是用户之间的关系链接。 "actor"列是执行以下操作的用户的ID,而"target"列是要关注的用户的ID。

我目前在撰写查询字符串以解除USERX的照片时遇到问题,其他用户USERX的照片正在关注,并按照" photoid"在activities_stream_tbl和ORDER BY" date" activities_stream_tbl。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select PATH
from user_tbl as a inner join photo_tbl as b 
on a.id = b.user_id
and a.name = 'userx'


select path
from photo_tbl as a
where a.userid in (select target from friendship_tbl as x inner join user_tbl as y on x.actor = y.id and y.name = 'user')



select PATH
from user_tbl as a inner join photo_tbl as b 
on a.id = b.user_id
and a.name = 'userx'
select path
from photo_tbl as a
where a.userid in (select target 
                   from   friendship_tbl as x 
                   inner  join user_tbl as y 
                     on   x.actor = y.id and y.name = 'user')