我试图实现Thompson的RegExp代码来实现正则表达式的NFA。到目前为止,我的应用程序有2个输入:1)第一行 - 要实现的表达式的数量(转换为Int),以及第二行 - 要实现的正则表达式。稍后我将在与要执行的正则表达式相同的行上输入第三个输入。这意味着我需要学习如何解析第二个输入字符串以获取字符串和整数。但我还是找不到如何解析IO String。我想这是以后的另一个问题,或者有人可以提供如何做到这一点的链接。输入将如下所示:
(int input)
regex1 (int input)
regex2 (int input)
regex3 (int input)
data Reg = Epsilon |
Literal Char |
Or Reg Reg |
Then Reg Reg |
Star Reg
deriving Eq
-- --
-- ImplementNfa.hs
trans :: Ord a => Nfa a -> String -> Set a
trans mach str = foldl step startset str
step set ch = onetrans mach ch set
startset = closure mach (sing (startstate mach))
-- Turn the result of trans into printable form. --
print_trans :: Nfa Int -> String -> [Char]
print_trans mach str = show (flatten (trans mach str))
buildRE::String -> Reg
buildRE r = regexp2 -- will build regex from "re"
-- hard coded for now until I
-- learn how to parse a string
re = "(ab|ba)" -- Hard coded for now until I can
-- learn how to parse an input string
a = Literal 'a'
b = Literal 'b'
regexp2 = Or (Then a b) (Then b a)
main = do input1 <- getLine
let t = (read input1::Int)
let t1 = t -1
-- Maybe I need a loop here for "t" but I don't know how
if (t1 == -1)
then return()
do input <- getLine
-- Need to figure out how to parse input
-- to get string 're' and an Int
let r = buildRE re
let nfa1 = build r
putStrLn $ (print_trans nfa1 re);