web2py:DAL find()无效

时间:2015-10-15 14:02:43

标签: web2py data-access-layer

tl; dr:阅读最后一段


    表格mining 中的
  • 属于当前savestate
  • 对于列表中的三个成员,
  • process分别为1,2或3
  • 中那些finish_date
  • 最大的那个

采矿与savestates没有直接关系,所以我必须通过名为turn的表来追踪正确的savestate。关系如下:savestate 1:n转1:1采矿。


def get_latest_minings(save_id):
    return_list = []
    #get all turn.ids that belong to this savestate:
    savestate_turns = [s.id for s in db(db.turn.savestate_id == save_id).select(db.turn.id)]
    #get all minings that belong to these turns:
    save_minings = db(db.mining.turn_id.belongs(savestate_turns)).select()
    #loop to get three objects:
    for i in range(1,4):
        #from save_minings, get all minings, whose process is i:
        line_minings = save_minings.find(lambda row: row.process == i)
        #initialize loop variables:
        latest_date = 0
        latest = None
        #loop to find the biggest finish_date:
        for m in line_minings:
            if m.finish_date > latest_date:
                latest_date = m.finish_date
                latest = m
        #add the row with the biggest finish_date to the list:
    #return locals() for testing purposes:
    return locals()
    #actual return:
    #return return_list


我已经运行了一些单独的测试,我发现问题与行line_minings = save_minings.find(lambda row: row.process == i)有关。每一条线路都应该工作。这有什么不对?另一个问题:这可以更优化吗?我对追踪正确的savestate特别好奇。

1 个答案:

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  1. 关于您的第一个问题What is wrong here?

  2. 您的第二个问题can this be optimized more?:是的。大概。

  3. 如果没有剩下的代码,请点击这里:

    def get_latest_minings(save_id):
        # from the minings that belong to this savestate:
        query = (db.mining.turn_id == db.turn.id) & (db.turn.savestate_id == save_id)
        # [optional] if you want to restrict the process ids only to be 1,2 or 3. 
        # given your output, you only have 1 and 2 so it would be useless 
        # again, mind the datatype, don't compare strings to integers. 
        # but for completion, i'll stick to your original functionality
        query &= (db.mining.process.belongs([1,2,3]))
        # get the latest finish date per mining process
        maxdate = db.mining.finish_date.max()
        save_minings = db(query).select(maxdate, db.mining.process, groupby=db.mining.process)
        # create a lookup structure with processid as key
        last_date_lookup = {row.mining.process:row[maxdate] for row in save_minings}
        # query the lookup structure per process id or None if not available
        return [last_date_lookup.get(pid) for pid in range(1,4)]

