使用必须以不同方式处理用户输入的程序,取决于数字还是字符串。 Select Case和IsNumeric未按预期工作。
当animal = char或string时,我得到这段代码。
未处理的类型' System.InvalidCastException'发生在Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
附加信息:从字符串转换" D"输入' Long'无效。
Case "D" Or "d"
Option Explicit Off
Option Strict Off
Public Class MainForm
Public Sub ifButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ifButton.Click
animal = codeTextBox.Text
Select Case IsNumeric(codeTextBox.Text)
Case True
Dim decanimal As Decimal
decanimal = CDec(animal)
Select Case decanimal
Case "1"
msgLabel.Text = "Dog"
Case "2"
msgLabel.Text = "Cat"
Case Else
msgLabel.Text = "Bird"
End Select
Case False
Dim stranimal As String
stranimal = CStr(animal)
Select Case stranimal
Case "D" Or "d"
msgLabel.Text = "Dog"
Case "C" Or "c"
msgLabel.Text = "Cat"
Case Else
End Select
End Select
End Sub
End Class
答案 0 :(得分:4)
你应该查看你不放的Select Case的文档,或者你写了一个逗号。
Case "D", "d"
Select Case stranimal.ToLower()
Case "d"
msgLabel.Text = "Dog"
Case "c"
msgLabel.Text = "Cat"
Case Else
End Select
答案 1 :(得分:1)
的返回值来查看数据是否为数字。这是更正后的代码: -
Public Sub ifButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ifButton.Click
Dim animal As String = codeTextBox.Text
Select Case Double.TryParse(animal, Nothing) 'See if it is convertible to Double (numeric) or not.
Case True
Select Case Double.Parse(animal)
Case 1
msgLabel.Text = "Dog"
Case 2
msgLabel.Text = "Cat"
Case Else
msgLabel.Text = "Bird"
End Select
Case False
Select Case animal.ToLower() 'To compare the strings without case-sensitivity
Case "d"
msgLabel.Text = "Dog"
Case "c"
msgLabel.Text = "Cat"
Case Else
'You didn't mention anything but I guess it should be msgLabel.Text = "Bird"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Dim cAnimals As New Collection
cAnimals.Add("Dog", "d")
cAnimals.Add("Dog", "1")
cAnimals.Add("Cat", "c")
cAnimals.Add("Cat", "2")
Dim s As String = ""
Do While True
s = InputBox("code:").ToLower
If s = "" Then Exit Do
If cAnimals.Contains(s) Then
MsgBox("Invalid code")
End If
使用一些数据结构来存储转换代码,这里是VB Collection,然后检查代码是否在数据中。
VB并不关心数据是否为数字。这有时会咬人,但在其他时候也很有用。 Option Strict将失败,在大多数情况下并非真正需要IMO。取决于应用程序和本地政策的重要性。