相当于Clojure在Common lisp中的“assoc-in”和“get-in”

时间:2015-10-12 12:21:17

标签: clojure common-lisp


(assoc-in {:a 1 :b 3} [:c :d] 33)
; {:a 1, :c {:d 33}, :b 3}


(get-in {:a 1, :c {:d 33}, :b 3} [:c :d])
; 33
(get-in {:a 1, :c {:d 33}, :b 3} [:c :e])
; nil


  • 测试用例: (setf trie '(:A (:B (:leaf t) :C (:leaf t)) :D (:leaf t)))


(defmacro get-in (trie ks)  `(reduce #'getf  ,ks :initial-value ,trie))
(get-in trie '(:a :b)) ; (:leaf t)
(get-in trie '(:a :b :leaf)) ; t


(defmacro assoc-in (trie ks v)
 `(setf (getf (get-in ,trie ,ks) :leaf) ,v))

(assoc-in trie '(:a :b) 99)
(get-in trie '(:a :b)) ; (:leaf 99)
(assoc-in trie '(:a :b :new-key) "new-key") ; (SETF REDUCE) is not fbound

我在' assoc-in'有问题,我可以更新trie但无法插入

欢迎任何建议,不必是宏观的。我查了Clojure implementation并尝试在Common lisp中执行此操作,也失败了。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


(defun make-nested-alist (value items)
  "Returns a nested association list that takes the first item
to an association list that takes the second item to an 
association list, and so on, finally to the value.  If items
is the empty list, then the value is returned by itself."
  (reduce (lambda (item value)
            (acons item value '()))
          items :initial-value value
          :from-end t))

(make-nested-alist 3 '())
;=> 3
(make-nested-alist 3 '(a b c))
;;=> ((a . ((b . ((c . e))))))


(defun assoc* (items alist)
  "Finds the item in the nested association list keyed by the items.
It is an error if a prefix of the path leads to a value that cannot be
interpreted as an associate list."
  (if (endp items) alist
      (assoc* (rest items)
              (cdr (assoc (first items) alist)))))
(defparameter *alist*
  (copy-tree '((a . 1)
               (b . 3)
               (c . ((d . 33))))))

(assoc* '(a) *alist*) ;=> 1
(assoc* '(c d) *alist*) ;=> 33
(assoc* '(c e) *alist*) ;=> NIL
(assoc* '(a b) *alist*) ; ERROR (since the prefix (a) leads to 1)


(defun assoc*-update (value items alist)
  "Returns a nested association list like the provided one, except
that the value at the path specified by items contains value.  This
will modify the association list if the any prefix of the path is a
value in the association list.  Because the result may be a new
list (e.g., when the original association list does not have a top
level entry for the initial item in the path), the result should be
  (if (endp items)
      (let ((entry (assoc (first items) alist)))
        (if (null entry)
            ;; if there is no entry at all, then we need to make a
            ;; nested association list out of the rest keys that
            ;; eventually comes back to the value, and tack it onto
            ;; the current alist. We can't modify alist, because alist
            ;; might be empty, and we can't modify the empty list.
            (acons (first items) (make-nested-alist value (rest items)) alist)
            ;; Otherwise, there is an entry, and that takes care of the
            ;; first key, but we'll need to recurse into the value and
            ;; update it.  If there are no keys left, then we should just
            ;; replace this entry, otherwise we need to recurse into it.
            ;; In both cases, we return alist.
            (prog1 alist
              (rplacd entry (assoc*-update value (rest items) (cdr entry))))))))
(let ((alist (copy-tree *alist*)))
  (setf alist (assoc*-update 42 '(c e) alist))
  (print alist)
  (setf alist (assoc*-update 89 '(d) alist))
  (print alist))
;=>          ((A . 1) (B . 3) (C (E . 42) (D . 33))) 
;=> ((D . 89) (A . 1) (B . 3) (C (E . 42) (D . 33))) 

答案 1 :(得分:1)


(defvar *list-trie* '(:A (:B (:leaf t) :C (:leaf t)) :D (:leaf t)))
(defun get-in-list (trie ks)
  "input a key chain list, return children of common ancestors, return nil of not exist"
  (reduce #'(lambda (node k) (and (listp node) (getf node k))) ks :initial-value trie))

(defmacro clojure-assoc-list (trie k v)
  "return updated list"
  `(progn (setf (getf ,trie ,k) ,v)

(defun assoc-in-list (trie ks v)
  (if (= 1 (length ks))
      (clojure-assoc-list trie (car ks)  v)
      (clojure-assoc-list trie (car ks) (assoc-in-list (getf trie (car ks)) (cdr ks) v))))