
时间:2015-10-08 22:42:49

标签: java if-statement switch-statement joptionpane dropdownchoice


RPSLS.java:65: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to int
  switch (userChoice){
1 error

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.util.Random;
public class RPSLS {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    //Setting choices and compChoice (for the number the computer chooses)
    int compChoice;
    final int Rock = 0;
    final int Paper = 0;
    final int Scissors = 0;
    final int Lizard = 0;
    final int Spock = 0;

    //Comp Choice
    Random generator = new Random();
    compChoice = generator.nextInt(5) + 1;

    //User Choice
    Object[] possibleValues = {
      "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors", "Lizard", "Spock"

    Object userChoice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
      "Choose one", "Input",
      JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null,
      possibleValues, possibleValues[0]); //Set the default option (AFIAK it doesn't matter for this kind of thing)

    System.out.println("The computer chose: " + compChoice);
    System.out.println("The computer chose: " + userChoice);

    //Set the userChoice equal to a number based on what was picked in userChoice question after both have entered choices and the choices are printed
    //Values are to be set as follows:
    //Rock 0
    //Paper 1
    //Scissors 2
    //Lizards 3
    //Spock 4
    if (userChoice == "Rock") {
      userChoice = String.valueOf(Rock);
    } else if (userChoice == "Paper") {
      userChoice = String.valueOf(Paper);
    } else if (userChoice == "Scissors") {
      userChoice = String.valueOf(Scissors);
    } else if (userChoice == "Lizard") {
      userChoice = String.valueOf(Lizard);
    } else if (userChoice == "Spock") {
      userChoice = String.valueOf(Spock);

    //Determine who wins
    switch (userChoice) {
      case 0: //User chooses Rock
        if (compChoice == 0) //Rock
          System.out.println("Tie, try again.");
        } else if (compChoice == 1) //Paper
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 2) //Scissors
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 3) //Lizard
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 4) //Spock
          System.out.println("Computer Win");

      case 1: //User chooses paper
        if (compChoice == 0) //Rock
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 1) //Paper
          System.out.println("Tie, try again.");
        } else if (compChoice == 2) //Scissors
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 3) //Lizard
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 4) //Spock
          System.out.println("Player Win");

      case 2: //User chooses scissors
        if (compChoice == 0) //Rock
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 1) //Paper
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 2) //Scissors
          System.out.println("Tie, try again.");
        } else if (compChoice == 3) //Lizard
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 4) //Spock
          System.out.println("Computer Win");

      case 3: //User chooses lizard
        if (compChoice == 0) //Rock
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 1) //Paper
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 2) //Scissors
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 3) //Lizard
          System.out.println("Tie, try again.");
        } else if (compChoice == 4) //Spock
          System.out.println("Player Win");

      case 4: //User chooses spock
        if (compChoice == 0) //Rock
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 1) //Paper
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 2) //Scissors
          System.out.println("Player Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 3) //Lizard
          System.out.println("Computer Win");
        } else if (compChoice == 4) //Spock
          System.out.println("Tie, try again.");

        System.out.println("There was an error. Please try again.");


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Java是strongly-typed programming language,这意味着您无法仅因为您想要隐式地将任何内容转换为int。您必须通过(int)userChoice或类似new Integer(userChoice)或甚至userChoice.toInt()(如果提供)等方式适当地转换它。因此...

switch((int)userChoice) { // Or whatever is the correct way for your objects to be converted to integers




答案 1 :(得分:-1)


final int rock = 0;
final int paper = 1;
final int scissors = 2;
final int lizard = 3;
final int spock = 4;


int userChoiceNumber = -1; // As a default value that you can check, or change to 0 for a valid default
if (userChoice.equals("Rock")) { // Instead of using == use equals
  userChoiceNumber = rock;
} else if (userChoice.equals("Paper")) {
  userChoiceNumber = paper;
} else if (userChoice.equals("Scissors")) {
  userChoiceNumber = scissors;
} else if (userChoice.equals("Lizard")) {
  userChoiceNumber = lizard;
} else if (userChoice.equals("Spock")) {
  userChoiceNumber = spock;

然后在您的switch语句中,您切换到使用userChoiceNumber,并可以用final int替换0-4:

//Determine who wins
switch (userChoiceNumber) {
  case rock: //User chooses Rock
