本地变量' fight_run'在分配之前引用

时间:2015-10-08 18:32:19

标签: python loops indentation

我一直在环顾四周,但我一直无法修复此错误。 在此错误之前,程序总是打印你的一周是平均没有发生什么事情,另外两个可能发生的变量没有'


from random import randint
import time
money = 2000
week = 0
def stockmarket():
    global money
    global week
    stock = int(randint(1,50))
    fight_random = int(randint(1,4))
    fight = int(randint(1,100))
    gain_lose = int(randint(1,2))
    win_lose_var = int(randint(1,30))
    luck = int(0)
    if money > 10000 :
        print ("""congratulations you beat the game by earning 10,000
        now that you have so much money you can go back to your life as a hip hop artist """)
        print("it took you ",week,"weeks's to compleate the game")
        print("can you do it faster next time")
        print(" you have gained lots of money",money,"")
        print("you must now invest it all the stock market")
        human_stock = int(input("please pick a number between 1-100 not that it matters as the markets are rigged: "))
            #need to make the user number matter 
        change1 = int(stock-40+luck)
        change2 = float (change1/100)
        change3 = float (1-change2)
        money = money * change3
        week = week+1
        print ("you have" , money,"")
        week = week +1 

        if fight == 3:
            print("bad luck")
            fight_run = str(input("""late at night you get approched by a bunch of bad, bad people. they attempt to mugg you but you see there is a chance to run away but you could fight
                        them and gain lots of money! do you fight or run"""))
        if fight_run == "run":
                print("you fled the scene but left some money behind which has been stolen.")
                money *=.8
                print(" ",money," ")
        if fight_run == "fight" :
               print ("you chose to fight the oncoming enemys!")
        if fight < 0 or fight > 11:
                    print("you where over powered by your enemys and died")
        elif fight <10 and fight >80 :
                    win_lose = int(input("the fight is close and you are both weak. /n please pick and number between 1 and 30 for a chance to gain money!"))
        elif gain_lose == 1:
                print("you deafeated your attacckers and take there money (its not a crime if no one saw)")
                money_fight_win = (win_lose/100)+ 1
                money = money * money_fight_win
                print ("",money,"")
        elif gain_lose == 2 :
                print ("your attacker won and they took your money luckly you hide some just before the fight ")
                money_fight_lose = (win_lose/100)+ 1 - (winlose/50)
                money = money * money_fight_lose

        else :
                print("you mortaliy wounded the atackers (cause ur dench m8) and took their money") 
                money = money *1.5

        if fight == 4:
            print ("you found a lucky penny and added it to your penny collection")
            luck = +1
        elif fight == 1 or 2:
            print("your week was average nothing much happened")

#gets program to start

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的直接问题是缩进级别。所以,如果战斗!= 3,则不会宣布或设置fight_run。所以当你在下一个if语句中检查fight_run时,它可能不存在。修复你的缩进,使其读取。

if fight == 3:
    print("bad luck")
    fight_run = str(input("""late at night you get approched by a bunch of bad, bad people. they attempt to mugg you but you see there is a chance to run away but you could fight them and gain lots of money! do you fight or run"""))
    if fight_run == "run":
        print("you fled the scene but left some money behind which has been stolen.")
        money *=.8
        print(" ",money," ")
    if fight_run == "fight" :
        print ("you chose to fight the oncoming enemys!")

这样,如果战斗== 3,则接近玩家,然后根据玩家的选择,他可以战斗或跑步。解决这个问题会让你遇到下一个错误,你的代码有很多问题,包括一些像这样的缩进级问题。

关于你提到的另一个问题,当你做elif fight == 1 or 2:时,这总是正确的,因为将2作为布尔值测试将始终为真。这需要elif fight == 1 or fight == 2:


答案 1 :(得分:1)


然后if fight == 3为false,因此会跳过变量fight_run的创建,因此变量fight_run不存在。然后,您正在测试if fight_run == "run",并且您被告知fight_run不存在。


if fight_run == "run":
    print("you fled the scene but left some money behind which has been stolen.")
    money *=.8
    print(" ",money," ")
if fight_run == "fight" :
    print ("you chose to fight the oncoming enemys!")

因此它是if fight == 3块的一部分。
