select t3.ValueDesc as FeatureType,
count(t2.Strategic) as TotalCount
,t2.RequestID,t1.StoryID --these are not needed, but put for better vision
from tblRequests t2
left outer join (select * from tblAgileMultiDD where Type=18) t3
on t3.FormulaValue = t2.Strategic
left outer join tblAgileStory t1
on t1.Feature = t2.RequestID
where t2.RequestID > 0
and t1.DemoStatus = 1
group by t3.ValueDesc
,t2.RequestID, t1.StoryID --these are not needed but put for better vision
order by t3.ValueDesc
FeatureType TotalCount RequestID StoryID
Protect Base 1 311 1629
Protect Base 1 311 1630
Protect Base 1 312 1631
Protect Base 1 312 1637
New Market 1 313 1640
New Market 1 313 1645
FeatureType TotalCount
Protect Base 4
New Market 2
因此,对于RequestID和StoryID的每个唯一组合,它返回新行。如何使它只为每个唯一的RequestID返回新行,而不管StoryID? 所以我希望这个查询结果如下:
FeatureType TotalCount
Protect Base 2 (for RequestID = 311, 312)
New Market 1 (for RequestID = 313)
在开头添加“distinct”字样不会对其产生影响。 你能帮我解决这个问题吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
select distinct FeatureType,TotalCount from (
select t3.ValueDesc as FeatureType,
count(t2.Strategic) as TotalCount
-- ,t1.StoryID --these are not needed, but put for better vision
from tblRequests t2
left outer join (select * from tblAgileMultiDD where Type=18) t3
on t3.FormulaValue = t2.Strategic
left outer join tblAgileStory t1
on t1.Feature = t2.RequestID
where t2.RequestID > 0
and t1.DemoStatus = 1
group by t3.ValueDesc
-- , t1.StoryID --these are not needed but put for better vision
) as T