在How to pass subroutine names as arguments in Fortran classes?中,我们学习了如何将子例程名称作为参数INSIDE Fortran类传递。但是我们如何从OUTSIDE类中传递子程序名?
随后的代码使用GNU Fortran(GCC)5.1.0为两次不同的尝试产生编译错误:
gfortran -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Og -pedantic -fcheck=bounds -fmax-errors=5 casey.f08
call selector ( ints % square, x , y )
Error: Expected argument list at (1)
call selector ( ints % double ( x, y ), x , y )
Error: ‘double’ at (1) should be a FUNCTION
module myModule
implicit none
type :: intermediates
real :: z
procedure, nopass, public :: square => square_sub
procedure, nopass, public :: double => double_sub
end type intermediates
private :: square_sub
private :: double_sub
subroutine square_sub ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
y = x ** 2
end subroutine square_sub
subroutine double_sub ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
y = x * 2
end subroutine double_sub
end module myModule
program casey
use myModule
implicit none
real :: x = 10.0, y
type ( intermediates ) :: ints
call selector ( ints % square, x , y )
call selector ( ints % double ( x, y ), x , y )
subroutine selector ( sub, x, y )
interface mySub
subroutine sub ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
end subroutine sub
end interface mySub
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
call sub ( x, y )
print *, 'x = ', x, ', y = ', y
end subroutine selector
end program casey
答案 0 :(得分:1)
解决方案是将选择器过程放在类中。在上面的示例中,subroutine selector
内。 subroutine local_selector
类型中的module mySubs
implicit none
type :: myClass
procedure, nopass, public :: square
procedure, nopass, public :: double
procedure, nopass, public :: local_selector
end type myClass
subroutine square ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
y = x ** 2
print *, 'x = ', x, '; x ** 2 = ', y
end subroutine square
subroutine double ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
y = x * 2
print *, 'x = ', x, '; 2 x = ', y
end subroutine double
subroutine local_selector ( sub, x, y )
interface mySub
subroutine sub ( x, y )
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
end subroutine sub
end interface mySub
real, intent ( in ) :: x
real, intent ( out ) :: y
call sub ( x, y )
end subroutine local_selector
end module mySubs
program fixed
use mySubs
implicit none
real :: x = 10.0, y
type ( myClass ) :: thisClass
call thisClass % local_selector ( square, x , y )
call thisClass % local_selector ( double, x , y )
end program fixed
select column1, max(column2), min(column3)
from myTable
group by column1
order by column1