
时间:2015-10-06 17:16:52

标签: perl recursion grouping


我的数据结构如下所示: 我的%REV_ALIGN;
$ REV_ALIGN {$ dna} {$ rna} =();



my @groups;

while ( my $x =()= keys %REV_ALIGN )
    my @DNA = keys %REV_ALIGN;
    my $dna = shift @DNA;
    # the corresponding list of rna
    my @RNA = keys %{$REV_ALIGN{$dna}};
    delete $REV_ALIGN{$dna};

    if ( $x == 1 )
        push @groups, \@RNA;

    my $ref = group_transcripts ( \@RNA, \%REV_ALIGN );
    push @groups, $ref;

sub group_transcripts
    my $tran_ref = shift;
    my $align_ref = shift;
    my @RNA_A = @$tran_ref;
    my %RNA;
    # create a null hash with seed list of transcripts
    @RNA{@RNA_A} = ();
    # get a list of all remaining dna sequences in the alignment
    my @DNA = keys %{$align_ref};
    my %count;
    # select a different list of transcripts
    for my $dna ( @DNA )
        next unless exists $align_ref->{$dna};
        my @RNA_B = keys %{$align_ref->{$dna}};
        # check to see two list share and transcripts
        for my $element ( @RNA_A, @RNA_B )
        for my $rna_a ( keys %count )
            # if they do, add any new transcripts to the current group
            if ( $count{$rna_a} == 2 )
                for my $rna_b ( @RNA_B )
                    push @RNA_A, $rna_b if $count{$rna_b} == 1;
                delete $align_ref->{$dna};
                delete $count{$_} foreach keys %count;
                # recurse to try and continue adding to list
                @_ = ( \@RNA_A, $align_ref );
                goto &group_transcripts;
        delete $count{$_} foreach keys %count;
   # if no more transcripts can be added, return a reference to the group
    return \@RNA_A;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



my %REV_ALIGN = (
   "DNA1" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA1", "RNA2" }, # \ Linked by RNA1     \
   "DNA2" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA1", "RNA3" }, # /  \ Linked by RNA3   > Group
   "DNA3" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA3", "RNA4" }, #    /                 /

   "DNA4" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA5", "RNA6" }, # \ Linked by RNA5     \  Group
   "DNA5" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA5", "RNA7" }, # /                    /

   "DNA6" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA8" },         #                      >  Group


my @groups = (
      dna => [ "DNA1", "DNA2", "DNA3" ],
      rna => [ "RNA1", "RNA2", "RNA3", "RNA4" ],
      dna => [ "DNA4", "DNA5" ],
      rna => [ "RNA5", "RNA6", "RNA7" ],
      dna => [ "DNA6" ],
      rna => [ "RNA8" ],


use strict;
use warnings;

use Graph::Undirected qw( );

my %REV_ALIGN = (
   "DNA1" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA1", "RNA2" },
   "DNA2" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA1", "RNA3" },
   "DNA3" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA3", "RNA4" },
   "DNA4" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA5", "RNA6" },
   "DNA5" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA5", "RNA7" },
   "DNA6" => { map { $_ => undef } "RNA8" },

my $g = Graph::Undirected->new();
for my $dna (keys(%REV_ALIGN)) {
   for my $rna (keys(%{ $REV_ALIGN{$dna} })) {
      $g->add_edge("dna:$dna", "rna:$rna");

my @groups;
for my $raw_group ($g->connected_components()) {
   my %group = ( dna => [], rna => [] );
   for (@$raw_group) {
      my ($type, $val) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
      push @{ $group{$type} }, $val;

   push @groups, \%group;

use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );


my @groups;
for my $raw_group ($g->connected_components()) {
   my @group;
   for (@$raw_group) {
      my ($type, $val) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
      push @group, $val if $type eq 'rna';

   push @groups, \@group;