所以我需要为Monomials创建两个类。 另一个用于多项式(使用单项式链表建立)。
我想如果我可以在一个函数上获得一些方向,我将能够编写其余的函数。这是我要用它的方向,不确定这是否正确。如果不是,你能指出我正确的方向吗?从来没有使用迭代器的东西,所以真的让我失望。 这是我的标题
#ifndef __POLYNOMIAL_H_
#define __POLYNOMIAL_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "Polynomial.cpp"
#define var = 'x' //varible to use in polynomial
using namespace std;
struct ZERO_T {
static const short ZERO = 0;
template <typename NumT>
class Monomial
Monomial<NumT>(NumT c = 0, int d = 0) : coeff(c), expo(d)
{ };
NumT coefficient(void) const { return coeff; };
int degree(void) const { return expo; };
void assign_coefficient(const NumT c) { coeff = c; };
void assign_degree(const int d) { expo = d; };
bool operator==(const Monomial<NumT> & m) const
return (coeff == m.coeff && expo == m.expo);};
bool operator!=(const Monomial<NumT> & m) const
{return (coeff != m.coeff || expo != m.expo);};
NumT coeff;
int expo;
template <typename NumberType>
class Polynomial : public ZERO_T
Polynomial<NumberType>(NumberType c = 0, int d = 0)
const Monomial<NumberType> m(c, d);
term_list.push_back(m); //creates a ZERO monomial
number_of_terms = 1;
highest_degree = d;
Polynomial<NumberType>(const Monomial<NumberType> & m) //type conversion constructor
number_of_terms = 1;
highest_degree = m.degree();
~Polynomial<NumberType>() { } // use default destructors and list's destructor
Polynomial<NumberType>(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs) // copy constructor
: term_list(rhs.term_list), number_of_terms(rhs.number_of_terms),
highest_degree(rhs.highest_degree) { }
const Polynomial<NumberType> & operator=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
//copy assignment
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+=(const Monomial<NumberType> &m);
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator+(const Monomial<NumberType> &m)const;
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator+(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs) const;
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*=(const Monomial<NumberType> &m);
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator*(const Monomial<NumberType> &m) const;
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator*(constPolynomial<NumberType> & rhs) const;
const NumberType evaluate(NumberType x);
bool operator==(const Polynomial<NumberType> &p) const;
bool operator!=(const Polynomial<NumberType> &p) const;
const int gethighestdegree();
void read(istream & in = cin);
void print(ostream & out = cout) const;
//static Polynomial<NumberType> ZERO;
list<Monomial<NumberType> > term_list;
//sorted by decreasing degrees
int number_of_terms;
int highest_degree;
void insert_in_poly(Polynomial<NumberType> & p, const Monomial<NumberType> & m);
//helper function
NumberType power(NumberType x, int n);
//template<> Polynomial<int> Polynomial<int>::ZERO = 0;
template <typename NumberType>
istream&operator>>(istream & in, Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
template <typename NumberType>
ostream& operator<<(ostream & out, const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
#include "polynomial.cpp"
你会怎么做? 这是我到目前为止所做的:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include "polynomial.h"
template<typename NumberType>
const Polynomial<NumberType> Polynomial<NumberType>::operator+(const Monomial<NumberType>& m) const
int i = 0;
term_list.sort(); //sort list in decending order
term_list.reverse(); //rearrange into ascending order
Monomial temp; //create a temp object to hold our monomial
temp.coeff = m.coeff;
temp.expo = m.expo;
/////////////////experiments here/////////
list <Monomial<NumberType>>::iterator itr;
itr = p.termlist.begin();
while (itr != p.termlist.end()) //traverse termlist until we reach end
if (itr.expo == temp.expo) //if temp exponents meet current list exponent
itr insert(i, NumberType& temp); //insert monomial here
答案 0 :(得分:1)
&amp; ClassName.cpp
#ifndef __POLYNOMIAL_H_
#define __POLYNOMIAL_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "Polynomial.cpp" // Why including *.cpp?
#define var = 'x' //varible to use in polynomial
using namespace std;
struct ZERO_T {
static const short ZERO = 0;
template <typename NumT>
class Monomial {
Monomial<NumT>(NumT c = 0, int d = 0) : coeff(c), expo(d)
{ };
NumT coefficient(void) const { return coeff; };
int degree(void) const { return expo; };
void assign_coefficient(const NumT c) { coeff = c; };
void assign_degree(const int d) { expo = d; };
bool operator==(const Monomial<NumT> & m) const
return (coeff == m.coeff && expo == m.expo);};
bool operator!=(const Monomial<NumT> & m) const
{return (coeff != m.coeff || expo != m.expo);};
NumT coeff;
int expo;
template <typename NumberType>
class Polynomial : public ZERO_T {
Polynomial<NumberType>(NumberType c = 0, int d = 0) {
const Monomial<NumberType> m(c, d);
term_list.push_back(m); //creates a ZERO monomial
number_of_terms = 1;
highest_degree = d;
Polynomial<NumberType>(const Monomial<NumberType> & m) //type conversion constructor {
number_of_terms = 1;
highest_degree = m.degree();
~Polynomial<NumberType>() { } // use default destructors and list's destructor
Polynomial<NumberType>(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs) // copy constructor
: term_list(rhs.term_list), number_of_terms(rhs.number_of_terms),
highest_degree(rhs.highest_degree) { }
const Polynomial<NumberType> & operator=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
//copy assignment
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+=(const Monomial<NumberType> &m);
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator+(const Monomial<NumberType> &m)const;
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator+(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs) const;
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*=(const Monomial<NumberType> &m);
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*=(const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs);
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator*(const Monomial<NumberType> &m) const;
const Polynomial<NumberType> operator*(constPolynomial<NumberType> & rhs) const;
const NumberType evaluate(NumberType x);
bool operator==(const Polynomial<NumberType> &p) const;
bool operator!=(const Polynomial<NumberType> &p) const;
const int gethighestdegree();
void read( istream & in = cin );
void print( ostream & out = cout ) const;
//static Polynomial<NumberType> ZERO;
list<Monomial<NumberType> > term_list;
//sorted by decreasing degrees
int number_of_terms;
int highest_degree;
void insert_in_poly(Polynomial<NumberType> & p, const Monomial<NumberType> & m);
//helper function
NumberType power( NumberType x, int n );
//template<> Polynomial<int> Polynomial<int>::ZERO = 0;
template <typename NumberType>
istream& operator>>( istream & in, Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs );
template <typename NumberType>
ostream& operator<<( ostream & out, const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs );
#include "polynomial.cpp" // Why include *.cpp?
如果您注意到我对 为什么要包含Polynomial.cpp的评论? 您永远不想在另一个文件中包含CPP文件,尤其是头文件。如果您想要一个实体文件,您可以将其包含在标题文件的底部,该文件位于您的类定义之后,并且位于头文件的 #endif 指令之前。 s保护它应该是一个内联文件,如 ClassName.inl 这样任何类型的内联方法都不在 ClassName.cpp中 文件或任何模板函数都在此实现文件中定义,这是另一种形式的头文件。您的 CPP 文件保留给编译器以构建目标代码和头文件 H &amp; INL 用于在编译和链接期间查找。使用内联文件可以保持您的定义 - 实现与您的声明分开!
<强> Monomial.h 强>
#ifndef MONOMIAL_H
#define MONOMIAL_H
template<typename NumT>
class Monomial {
NumT m_coeff;
int m_expo;
explicit Monomial( NumT c = 0, int d = 0 ); // Added Explicit since both parameters can be defaulted
NumT coefficient() const;
int degree() const;
void assignCoefficient( const NumT c );
void assignDegree( const int d );
bool operator==( const Monomial<NumT>& other ) const;
bool operator!=( const Monomial<NumT>& other ) const;
Monomial( const Monomial& c ); // Not Implemented - Copy Constructor
Monomial& operator=( const Monomial& c ); // Not Implemented - Assignment Operator
}; // Monomial
#include "Monomial.inl"
#endif // MONOMIAL_H
<强> Monomial.inl 强>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Monomial() - Constructor
template<typename NumT>
Monomial<NumT>::Monomial( NumT c, int d ) :
m_coeff( c ),
m_expo( d ) {
} // Monomial
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// coefficient()
template<typename NumT>
NumT Monomial<NumT>::coefficient() const {
return m_coeff;
} // coefficient
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// degree()
template<typename NumT>
int Monomial<NumT>::degree() const {
return m_expo;
} // degree
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// assignCoefficient()
template<typename NumT>
void Monomial<NumT>::assignCoefficient( const NumT c ) {
m_coeff = c;
} // assignCoefficient
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// assignDegree()
template<typename NumT>
void Monomial<NumT>::assignDegree( const int d ) {
m_expo = d;
} // assignDegree
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// operator==()
template<typename NumT>
bool Monomial<NumT>::operator==( const Monomial<NumT>& other ) const {
return ( m_coeff == other.m_coeff && m_expo == other.m_expo );
} // operator==
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// operator!=()
template<typename NumT>
bool Monomial<NumT>::operator!= ( const Monomial<NumT>& other ) const {
return ( m_coeff != other.m_coeff || m_expo != other.m_expo );
} // operator!=
<强> Monomial.cpp 强>
#include "Monomial.h"
<强> Polynomial.h 强>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "Monomial.h"
#define var = 'x'
struct ZERO_T {
static const short ZERO = 0;
template<typename NumberType>
class Polynomial : public ZERO_T {
friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, const Polynomial<NumberType>& poly );
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Polynomial<NumberType>& poly );
list<Nomomial<NumberType>> m_lTerms;
int m_iNumTerms;
int m_iHighestDegree;
// Constructors & Destructors
explicit Polynomial( NumberType c = 0, int d = 0 );
Polynomial( const Monomial<NumberType>& m );
Polynomial( const Polynomial<NumberType& rhs );
// ~Polynomial(); // Default Okay
// Assignment Operator
const Polynomial<NumberType>& operator=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& rhs );
// Comparison Operators
bool operator==( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
bool operator!=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
bool operator<( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
bool operator<=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
bool operator>( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
bool operator>=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& p ) const;
// Numerical Operators
Polynomial<NumberType>& operator+=( const Monomial<NumberType>& m );
Polynomial<NumberType>& operator+=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& rhs );
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+( const Monomial<NumberType>& m ) const;
Polynomial<NumberType> operator+( const Polynomial<NumberType>& rhs ) const;
Polynomial<NumberType>& operator*=( const Monomial<NumberType>& m );
Polynomial<NumberType>& operator*=( const Polynomial<NumberType>& rhs );
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*( const Monomial<NumberType>& m ) const;
Polynomial<NumberType> operator*( const Polynomial<NumberType& rhs ) const;
// Public Member Functions
int getHighestDegree() const;
void read( std::istream& in = cin );
void print( std::ostream& out = cout ) const;
void insertInPoly( Polynomial<NumberType>& p; const Monomial<NumberType>& m );
NumberType power( NumberType x, int n );
}; // Polynomial
#include "Polynomial.inl"
#endif // POLYNOMIAL_H
<强> Polynomial.inl 强>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Polynomial()
// To save some time all of this class's implementations should be in here
// where template<typename T> needs to be defined, just as I did within
// Monomial.inl
<强> Polynomial.cpp 强>
#include "Polynomial.h"
&amp; structure
Monomial<NumberType> temp; // You did define Monomial as a template type.
我看到你正在设置系数和&amp;您传入的Monomial&lt;&gt;参数的指数在类型中,在Monomial类中定义赋值运算符会很有帮助。您可能还希望将其他运算符添加到您的Monomial类以及+,+ =,*,* =等。
至于你实现添加两个具有相同指数的单项式,你是在正确的轨道上,你已经有了比较运算符供你查看它们是否相等,那么当两个单项式时: &amp;可以添加 B ,您需要添加两个并将答案存储在临时容器中,并从列表中删除您一起添加的两个,继续此过程直到不再可以添加条款。然后获取所有临时存储的术语并重新填充您的课程列表。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我甚至没有尝试优化此代码。多项式+ =多项式算子是最糟糕的方法。写作也是最快的。
行。 Monomial类大致相同。我添加了两个方法和一个友元函数。
Monomial& operator+=(const Monomial & toadd)
if (expo != toadd.expo)
throw "Mismatched exponents";
coeff += toadd.coeff;
return *this;
我从+ =开始,因为+是+ =用本地副本调用
Monomial operator+(const Monomial & toadd) const
return Monomial(*this) += toadd;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & out,
const Monomial<NumT> & rhs)
out << rhs.coeff << '^' << rhs.expo;
return out;
我在课堂上完全写的Polynomial类。 There is usually nothing to be gained from spinning off the implementation of a template这也不例外。
Polynomial & operator+=(const Monomial<NumberType> &m)
auto found = std::find_if(term_list.begin(),
[&m] (const Monomial<NumberType> &mono)
return mono.degree() == m.degree();
} );
if (found != term_list.end())
*found += m;
highest_degree = std::max(m.degree(), highest_degree);
number_of_terms++; // pointless variable. Should always equal term_list.size()
return *this;
我摆脱了排序。每次排序和求助并不重要。因为Polynomial是围绕std :: list构建的,所以每次排序都是你可能不得不做的O(n)。列表修改后排序或根本不排序。无论如何,我使用了std::find_if,它可能有一些容器和排序优化,如果将来更改容器,则进行查找。
Polynomial & operator+=(const Polynomial & rhs)
for (auto & mono: rhs.term_list)
*this += mono;
return *this;
这是我可以添加两个多项式的最懒惰,最愚蠢的方法。 rhs中的每个单项都被添加到this
。由于多项式+单项式插入那些不在那里的指数并且添加到那些指数,因此所有单项式都将在结果中表示。我非常确定时间复杂度可以从O(n ^ 2)减少到O(n),同时要小心谨慎。
const Polynomial operator+(const Monomial<NumberType> &m) const
return Polynomial (*this) += m;
const Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial & rhs) const
return Polynomial (*this) += rhs;
与上次操作员+简单地复制并调用+ =。
相同friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & out,
const Polynomial<NumberType> & rhs)
if (!rhs.term_list.empty())
auto mono = rhs.term_list.begin();
out << *mono;
for (++mono; mono != rhs.term_list.end();++mono)
out << " + " << *mono;
out << "empty";
return out;
#include <iostream>
#include "Polynomial.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Polynomial<int> p;
p += Monomial<int>(100,0);
p += Monomial<int>(1,1);
p += Monomial<int>(0,2);
p += Monomial<int>(1,3)+Monomial<int>(1,3);
p += Monomial<int>(5,4);
cout << p<<endl;
auto p2 = p+ Monomial<int>(3,3);
cout << p2 << endl;
cout << p+p2<< endl;