表1 Products
ID | Product Name
1 Red Car
2 Blue Car
3 Yellow Car
表2 Attributes
Product ID | Attribute ID
1 3
2 3
3 3
1 4
2 4
例如我只想显示属性为3和4的产品,它应该只显示红色和蓝色的汽车。但不是黄色汽车作为产品没有为产品ID 3设置属性
答案 0 :(得分:1)
表,但您也可以使用group by
-- option 1: using multiple exists clauses
select p.id, p.productname
from Products p
where exists (select 1 from Attributes a where p.ID = a.ProductID and a.AttributeID = 3)
and exists (select 1 from Attributes a where p.ID = a.ProductID and a.AttributeID = 4);
-- option 2: using multiple joins
select p.id, p.productname
from Products p
join Attributes a3 on p.ID = a3.ProductID
join Attributes a4 on p.ID = a4.ProductID
where a3.AttributeID = 3
and a4.AttributeID = 4;
-- option 3: using aggregate and having
select p.id, p.productname
from Products p
join Attributes a on p.ID = a.ProductID
group by p.id, p.productname
having sum(case when a.AttributeID = 3 then 1 else 0 end) > 0
and sum(case when a.AttributeID = 4 then 1 else 0 end) > 0;
-- option 4: using having and count
select p.id, p.productname
from Products p
join Attributes a on p.ID = a.ProductID
where a.AttributeID in (3,4)
group by p.id, p.productname
having count(distinct a.attributeid) = 2;