我有两个UIImages相同,大小相同(40 x 40),它是整个UIImage上的一个简单点,我想动画旋转为3D。当第一个UIImage" colapse"并且它不可见,将属性HIDDEN更改为YES,并立即显示第一个下面的UIImage,当用户再次按下按钮时,所有内容都会在第一个状态时返回。但我只是第一次工作,之后,只是出现并消失了图像。
@interface ViewController ()
BOOL myFlag;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.C002.image = [Test imageOfCircle002];
self.C005.image = [Test imageOfCircle005];
self.C005.hidden = YES;
myFlag = YES;
- (IBAction)animationButton:(id)sender
if (myFlag)
//First state of the UIImages,
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//3D rotation C002
CABasicAnimation* animation;
animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.y"];
animation.fromValue = @(0);
animation.toValue = @(0.5 * M_PI);
animation.repeatCount = 1;
animation.duration = 1.0;
[self.C002.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"rotation"];
CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform.m34 = 1.0 / 500.0;
self.C002.layer.transform = transform;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
self.C002.hidden = YES; //Hide the first image
self.C005.hidden = NO; //Show the second and animate
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//3D rotation C005
CABasicAnimation* animation2 = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.y"];
animation2.fromValue = @(0.5 * M_PI); //begin where the first UIImage ends
animation2.toValue = @(1.0 * M_PI);
animation2.repeatCount = 1;
animation2.duration = 1.0;
[self.C005.layer addAnimation:animation2 forKey:@"rotation"];
CATransform3D transform2 = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform2.m34 = 1.0 / 500.0;
self.C005.layer.transform = transform2;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self.C002.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"rotation"];
[self.C005.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"rotation"];
myFlag = NO; // Set the flag to other state.
{ //Heres try to turn everything back, but... not working.
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//3D rotation C005
CABasicAnimation* animation;
animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.y"];
animation.fromValue = @(1.0 * M_PI); //begin where is in the last animation
animation.toValue = @(0.5 * M_PI);
animation.repeatCount = 1;
animation.duration = 1.0;
[self.C005.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"rotation"];
CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform.m34 = 1.0 / 500.0;
self.C005.layer.transform = transform;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
self.C005.hidden = YES;
self.C002.hidden = NO;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
//3D rotation C002
CABasicAnimation* animation2 = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.y"];
animation2.fromValue = @(0.5 * M_PI);
animation2.toValue = @(0 * M_PI);
animation2.repeatCount = 1;
animation2.duration = 1.0;
[self.C002.layer addAnimation:animation2 forKey:@"rotation"];
CATransform3D transform2 = CATransform3DIdentity;
transform2.m34 = 1.0 / 500.0;
self.C002.layer.transform = transform2;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self.C002.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"rotation"];
[self.C005.layer removeAnimationForKey:@"rotation"];
myFlag = YES;