StartDate: 2015/09/12 10:30 EndDate: 2015/09/12 18:00
StartDate: 2015/09/13 10:00 EndDate: 2015/09/13 12:00
2015年6月3日 - 9月9日,周二至周四下午6-7点,星期日上午10点到11点。
StartDate: 2015/06/04 18:00 EndDate: 2015/06/04 19:00
StartDate: 2015/06/07 10:00 EndDate: 2015/06/07 11:00
StartDate: 2015/06/09 18:00 EndDate: 2015/06/09 19:00
StartDate: 2015/06/11 18:00 EndDate: 2015/06/11 19:00
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1)扫描/ Lexing - >扫描基本令牌。
Names: September, Saturday, AM, etc.
Numbers: 12, 2015, 9, etc.
Operators serving as Separators: '-', ',', space, etc.
'-' acts as a range operator as in FromDate - ToDate.
',' and space separate components of a date
2)解析 - >用标记构建一个解析树。
Names are classified into Months, days of week, etc.
Numbers are identified as year, month or day if it
can be done unambiguously. Otherwise, their identification
is left to later steps.
We can use some heuristics, like day of month almost always follows month.
3)现在,解析树表示由' - '分隔的日期时间条目。
At this point, a date in the tree can be partial or complete.
Introduce separator when it is missing between adjacent dates or times.
"Sunday 10a.m noon" is missing separator between '10am' and 'noon'
For example, "September 9, 2015" is a complete date, while "June 3"
is incomplete. After extracting at least one complete date, infer
the missing elements in incomplete dates from surrounding context.
"June 3" is incomplete because of missing year, so we grab the
year from the nearest complete date as 2015.
Use two adjacent dates and let them fill in missing parts
from each other to arrive at a complete one. "September 12 - 13, 2015"
is one such example. Left side of the separator is missing
year and can get it from right side. Figure out the date for
a day of week, like Thursday from the complete date in the string