我的代码有效,但它区分大小写,值必须相同。 我想改进此代码以更快地搜索组合框并选择最接近的值而不相同。目前,它会缓慢地运行所有值。
String valDesejado = tipopromocao;
String valorComboBox = "";
Select verificaOpt = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("tipoDePromocaoPromocao")));
int tamanhoBox = verificaOpt.getOptions().size();
int variavelVerificadora1 = 0;
System.out.println("Tamanho: " + tamanhoBox);
for (int i = 0; i < tamanhoBox; i++)
valorComboBox = verificaOpt.getFirstSelectedOption().getText().toString();
if (valDesejado.equalsIgnoreCase(valorComboBox))
i = tamanhoBox;
variavelVerificadora1 = 1;
if (variavelVerificadora1 == 0)
System.out.println("ALERTA: The Option + valDesejado + " no comboBox \"tipoDePromocaoPromocao\" not found.");
答案 0 :(得分:1)
并将其设置为true / false,而不是使用boolean
String valDesejado = tipopromocao;
boolean variavelVerificadora1 = false; // use boolean instead of int set to 0/1
Select verificaOpt = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("tipoDePromocaoPromocao")));
System.out.println("Tamanho: " + verificaOpt.getOptions().size());
// as this loops, the variable 'option' contains the current loops' OPTION element
// you don't need to select the option to get its text so this loop should be much faster
// it selects the OPTION once the correct one is found
for (WebElement option : verificaOpt.getOptions())
if (valDesejado.equalsIgnoreCase(option.getText()))
verificaOpt.selectByVisibleText(option.getText()); // select the OPTION match
variavelVerificadora1 = true; // set the boolean to true to indicate we found a match
break; // exits the for loop
if (!variavelVerificadora1) // this is the equivalent of variavelVerificadora1 == false, it's basically saying if not true
System.out.println("ALERTA: The Option" + valDesejado + " no comboBox \"tipoDePromocaoPromocao\" not found.");