PHP GD的图像重新着色功能太慢了

时间:2015-10-01 02:26:29

标签: php image-processing imagemagick gd imagick


public function colorize($img, $rgb) {
    imagealphablending($img, true);
    imagesavealpha($img, true);

    // get width and height of image
    $iwidth = imagesx($img);
    $iheight = imagesy($img);

    // loop through each pixel
    for ($y=0; $y<$iheight; $y++) for ($x=0; $x<$iwidth; $x++) {
        // get all original r, g, b, a values of the pixel
        $orgb = imagecolorat($img, $x, $y);
        $oa = ($orgb >> 24) & 0xFF;
        $or = ($orgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
        $og = ($orgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
        $ob = $orgb & 0xFF;

        // add up orginal rgb values and new rgb values
        $total_original = $or + $og + $ob;
        $total_new = $rgb[0] + $rgb[1] + $rgb[2];

        // adjust brightness using average of rgb channels
        $bright = -127 + $total_new/3;
        // take average difference between new color's brightness and old color's brightness, add brightness adjustment to it, and round
        $adjustment = round($bright + ($total_new - $total_original) / -3);

        // set each channel to new color channels, add the adjustment, and make sure the result isn't less than 0 or greater than 255
        $r = max(0,min($adjustment + $rgb[0],255));
        $g = max(0,min($adjustment + $rgb[1],255));
        $b = max(0,min($adjustment + $rgb[2],255));

        // replace original pixel
        $nrgb = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $r, $g, $b, $oa);
        imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $nrgb);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以将所谓的modules添加到ImageMagick中 - 尽管它非常复杂。

首先,您将需要ImageMagick的来源和开发环境 - 例如编译器和make等。


构建模块后,您需要在命令行上实际调用它,或者修改PHP / Perl绑定以执行此操作。实质上,它在命令行中看起来像这样:

convert image.png -process YourModuleName <YourModuleParameters> output.png

有更多信息here - 虽然它是为Windows编写的,但您可以在Linux上使用它 - 我也在Mac OSX上成功构建了模块。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



据我所知,您正在进行的色彩增强实质上是对用户提供的颜色的现有色彩进行调整。这让我想起了Fred's whiteblance脚本,它利用了-color-matrix运算符(或PHP中的Imagick::colorMatrixImage())。


 new_red   = (delta) * red +       0 * green +       0 * blue
 new_green =       0 * red + (delta) * green +       0 * blue
 new_blue  =       0 * red +       0 * green + (delta) * blue



$delta_red   = 0xFF/$rgb[0];
$delta_green = 0xFF/$rgb[1];
$delta_blue  = 0xFF/$rgb[2];
$wand = new Imagick($img);
$wand->colorMatrixImage([$delta_red,            0,           0,
                                  0, $delta_green,           0,
                                  0,            0, $delta_blue]);



$wand = new Imagick('rose:');
// Change colorspace

// Get quantum to work with
$qr = $wand->getQuantumRange()['quantumRangeLong'];

// Perform enhancement calculations (hard-coded for example)
$blackPoint = 0.1 * $qr;
$whitePoint = 0.9 * $qr;
$gamma = 1;
$sigmod = 0.001;

$Y = Imagick::CHANNEL_RED; // Red is the first channel, or Y in this colorspace.
// Re-level Y 
$wand->levelImage($blackPoint, $gamma, $whitePoint, $Y);
// Adjust contrast of Y
$wand->sigmoidalContrastImage($sigmod, 1, 1, $Y);

// Put it back RGB

YCbCr example
