
时间:2015-09-28 21:37:31

标签: php if-statement


        if (isset($_POST["redeembutton"])) {
            $redeemedBalance = strip_tags($_POST["vidcoinamount"]);
            $actualBalance = get_balance();

                if ($actualBalance < $redeemedBalance && $redeemedBalance < 500) { // If trying to redeem what the user don't have OPEN ?>
                <span class='greeting'>Sorry, you can't exchange that...</span><br/>
                <span class='heading'>You have <?php echo $row['balance']; ?> Beezes that you can exchange here.</span><br/>
                <span class='heading'>Enter the amount you wish to redeem and hit submit.</span><br/>
                <form class="btcregform" action='redeem.php' method='post'>
                    <input class="btcregforminput" type='text' value='' id='vidcoinamount' name='vidcoinamount'>
                    <input class="btcregformbutton" type='submit' value='Submit'                   id='button' name='redeembutton'>
                <?php // If trying to redeem what the user don't have CLOSE
                } else { ?>  
                    // Redeem amount is OK OPEN
                    $walletID = get_wallet_id();
                    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    $ipadr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                    $iscomplete = 'No';
                    $deductamount = $actualBalance-$redeemedBalance;
                    // Get current BTC price from BlockChain into $btcprice (0,01 usd is virool payment per video) 
                    $btcprice = 0.00004335;
                    // Multiply the redeemed balance with the amount in actual BTC worth 0,01 usd.
                    $valueInBTC = $btcprice * $btcprice;
                    // This gets rid of some formatting issues
                    $actualBTC = sprintf("%.10f",$valueInBTC);
                    $setBalance = " UPDATE users SET balance='$deductamount' WHERE username='$username' ";
                    $con = connect();
                    mysqli_query($con, $setBalance) or die ('Couldn\'t set balance to database !');
                    $setRequest = " INSERT INTO requests VALUES ('','$username','$walletID','$redeemedBalance','$actualBTC','$date','$ipadr','$iscomplete') ";
                    mysqli_query($con, $setRequest) or die ('Couldn\'t set payment request for admin into database !');
                <span class='greeting'>Thank you!</span><br/>
                <span class='heading'>Your exchange request has been received.</span><br/>
                <span class='heading'>Please give us up to 48 hours to process it. On weekends it may take longer...</span><br/>
                                <span class='heading'>You have <b><?php print get_balance(); ?></b> Beezes left in your account</span><br/>
$dollars = get_balance()  / 100;
<?php print get_balance(); ?> Beezes = $<?php print $dollars; ?><br>
                <?php } //If redeem amount is OK CLOSE ?>
        <?php } else { // If the user hasn't done anything yet OPEN ?>
        <span class='greeting'>Redeem your Beezes</span><br/>
        <span class='heading'>Enter the amount you wish to redeem and hit submit.</span><br/>
        <form class="btcregform" action='redeem.php' method='post'>
            <input class="btcregforminput" type='text' value='' id='vidcoinamount' name='vidcoinamount'><br><br>
            <input class="btcregformbutton" type='submit' value='Submit' id='button' name='redeembutton'>
        <?php } //If the user hasn't done anything yet CLOSE ?>


if ($actualBalance < $redeemedBalance && $redeemedBalance < 499)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)



$balance = 1500;
$price = 500;

 if ($balance >= $price) {  echo "There You go...."; }
 else {  echo "Sorry, You cant..."; } 

