Linq - 在IQueryable表达式中从列表中排除用户 - 正确的方法是什么?

时间:2015-09-27 09:18:23

标签: c# entity-framework linq



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;

namespace ARSoftwareV2.UserLibrary
    // This is a base class for all user needs. If you want to implement your own set of checks,
    // you can simply inherit from this class and you get pretty much everything you need already set up.
    public class UserClassBase
        private Models.ApplicationDbContext DefaultContextInstance;
        // We only want to show the "final results" here, not what should be hidden.
        protected Models.ApplicationDbContext CreateNewContext()
            return new Models.ApplicationDbContext();

        protected Models.ApplicationDbContext DefaultContext
                if ( DefaultContextInstance == null)
                    DefaultContextInstance = CreateNewContext();
                return DefaultContextInstance;
        // This lists users based on a number of criteria.
        // Called without arguments, the query lists all users which are:
        // - Enabled
        // - Not deleted
        // - Not employees (this isn't done yet)
        public IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> GetUserListQuery(bool IncludeDisabled = false, bool IncludeDeleted = false,bool IncludeEmployees = false )
            IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> result;
            using (DefaultContext)
                IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> UserQueryIncludeAll = (from user in DefaultContext.Users select user);
                result = UserQueryIncludeAll;
                if (!(IncludeEmployees == true))
                    // I need to make a join here to exclude employees by the user list.
                if ((IncludeDisabled == false) && (IncludeDeleted == false))
                    result.Where(u => u.Enabled == true && u.Deleted == false);
                else if (IncludeDisabled == true)
                    result.Where(u => u.Deleted == true);
                else if (IncludeDeleted == true)
                    result.Where(u => u.Enabled == true);
            return result;

        public bool UserEmailExists( string EmailToCheck )
            IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> Query = GetUserListQuery().Where(u => u.Email == EmailToCheck && u.Roles.Contains();
            IList<Models.ApplicationUser> resultList = Query.ToList<Models.ApplicationUser>();
            return (resultList.Count >0);

        public Models.ApplicationUser FindUserByID( string ID)
            IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> Query = GetUserListQuery().Where(u => u.Id == ID);
            Models.ApplicationUser result = Query.FirstOrDefault();
            return result;

        public string[] UserRoles( string UserID )
            Models.ApplicationUser User;
            User = FindUserByID(UserID);
            IList<string> result = new List<string>;
            foreach( var r in User.Roles )
            return result.ToArray<string>();

这背后的想法是我可以从注册/登录基础设施和网络服务中使用它 所以,我遇到的问题是 - 如果员工必须被排除在外 - 我需要一种方法来确定角色。我认为,这必须通过加入来完成。除非你知道更好的方法,当然:)

Sooo,我的问题是:排除具有员工角色的用户的最佳方式是什么?如果 - 我认为 - 那必须是一个联接,你能否建议一个适用于我的案例的语法?我用Google搜索,VS2015似乎打算用任何标记红色标记来标记:)


if (!(IncludeEmployees == true))
                    // I need to make a join here to exclude employees by the user list.
                    result.Join(DefaultContext.Roles, r => Roles, Users => Users, Users.ID = r.UserID);


if (!(IncludeEmployees == true))
                    innerResult = (from u in UserQueryIncludeAll select u).Join(DefaultContext.Roles, r => Roles, u.Id = r.UserID);



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


result = result.Where(user => !user.Roles.Any(role => role.Id == "Employee"));

顺便说一下,您的代码缺少上述result分配,因此根本不进行任何过滤。另一个错误的是using (DefaultContext)语句,因为您正在处理缓存的实例成员。整个过程可以像这样简化

public IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> GetUserListQuery(bool IncludeDisabled = false, bool IncludeDeleted = false, bool IncludeEmployees = false )
    IQueryable<Models.ApplicationUser> result = DefaultContext.Users;
    if (!IncludeDisabled)
        result = result.Where(user => user.Enabled);
    if (!IncludeDeleted)
        result = result.Where(user => !user.Deleted);
    if (!IncludeEmployees)
        result = result.Where(user => !user.Roles.Any(role => role.Id == "Employee"));
    return result;