import java.util.*;// for scanner
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Grades {
//Homework, exam1, and exam2 weights
static double homeworkWeight;
static double examOneWeight;
static double examTwoWeight;
static int homeworkNumberOfAssignments;
static int homeworkAssignment1Score;
static int homeworkAssignment1Max;
static int homeworkAssignment2Score;
static int homeworkAssignment2Max;
static int homeworkAssignment3Score;
static int homeworkAssignment3Max;
static int homeworkSectionsAttended;
static int homeworkSectionsAttendedTotal;
static int homeworkSectionsAttendedMax;
double homeworkTotalPoints;
double homeworkMaxPoints;
double homeworkWeightedScore;
static int examOneScore;
static int examOneCurve;
static double examOneMaxPointsAvailable;
double examOneWeightedScore;
static int examTwoScore;
static int examTwoCurve;
static double examTwoMaxPointsAvailable;
double examTwoWeightedScore;
static double courseGrade;
static double grade;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Homework and Exam 1 weights? ");
homeworkWeight = console.nextInt();
examOneWeight = console.nextInt();
examTwoWeight = 100 - homeworkWeight + examOneWeight;
System.out.println("Using weights of " + homeworkWeight + " " + examOneWeight + " " + examTwoWeight);
//courseGrade(courseGrade; double homeworkWeightedScore; double examOneWeightedScore; double examTwoWeightedScore;);
double d = courseGrade(homeworkWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore);
//Shows the intro to the program to the user.
public static void showIntro() {
System.out.println("This program accepts your homework scores and");
System.out.println("scores from two exams as input and computes");
System.out.println("your grades in the course.");
public static void homework() {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Number of assignments? ");
homeworkNumberOfAssignments = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Assignment 1 score and max? ");
homeworkAssignment1Score = console.nextInt();
homeworkAssignment1Max = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Assignment 2 score and max? ");
homeworkAssignment2Score = console.nextInt();
homeworkAssignment2Max = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Assignment 3 score and max? ");
homeworkAssignment3Score = console.nextInt();
homeworkAssignment3Max = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Sections attended? ");
homeworkSectionsAttended = console.nextInt();
homeworkSectionsAttendedTotal = homeworkSectionsAttended * 4;
homeworkSectionsAttendedMax = 20;
//Calculating total points earned
double totalPoints = homeworkAssignment1Score + homeworkAssignment2Score + homeworkAssignment3Score + homeworkSectionsAttendedTotal;
//Calutaing the max points available to be earned
double maxPoints = homeworkAssignment1Max + homeworkAssignment2Max + homeworkAssignment3Max + homeworkSectionsAttendedMax;
//Formatting with DecimalFormat to remove the decimal and 0 when displaying
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.#");
System.out.println(("Total points = ") + df.format(totalPoints) + " / " + df.format(maxPoints));
//Calculating the weighted score by dividing totalPoints by maxPoints and then multiplying times homeworkWeight
double homeworkWeightedScore = ((totalPoints / maxPoints) * homeworkWeight);
//Printing out weighted score and rounding to the nearest hundreth with Math.round
System.out.println("Weighted score = " + Math.round(homeworkWeightedScore * 100.0) / 100.0);
public static void exam1() {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Exam 1:");
System.out.print("Score? ");
examOneScore = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Curve? ");
examOneCurve = console.nextInt();
System.out.println("Total points = " + examOneScore + " / " + examOneCurve);
examOneMaxPointsAvailable = 100;
double examOneWeightedScore = ((examOneScore / examOneMaxPointsAvailable) * examOneWeight);
System.out.println("weighted score = " + Math.round(examOneWeightedScore * 100.0) / 100.0);
public static void exam2() {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Exam 2:");
System.out.print("Score? ");
examTwoScore = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Curve? ");
examTwoCurve = console.nextInt();
System.out.print("Total points = ");
System.out.println("weighted score = ");
public double courseGrade(double homeworkWeightedScore, double examOneWeightedScore, double examTwoWeightedScore) {
return homeworkWeightedScore + examOneWeightedScore + examTwoWeightedScore;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
courseGrade方法是否与您的public static void main
是:通过public SeparateClass instance = new SeparateClass();
public static void main
方法调用此方法:double grade = instance.courseGrade(homeworkWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore);
否:将courseGrade方法设为静态,不能从静态方法调用非静态方法(将public double courseGrade
替换为public static double courseGrade
方法内,执行以下操作:double d = courseGrade(homeworkWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore, examTwoWeightedScore);