
时间:2015-09-24 08:45:28

标签: ios objective-c stripe-payments


我有来自github项目的以下代码: https://github.com/hybrdthry911/ELStripe已在此处介绍: Store credit card using Stripe + Parse with cloud code

    -(void)createCardFromToken:(NSString *)tokenId customerId:(NSString *)customerId completionHandler:(ELCardCompletionBlock)handler
    [ELStripe executeStripeCloudCodeWithMethod:@"POST" 
        //I use post here because we are creating a card. POST would also be used for updating a customer/card or refunding a charge for example
        prefix:@"customers" //If you look at the documentation and the example URL I use "customers" here as the prefix
        suffix:customerId //The customerID is the suffix, this will be the customer you are going to add the card to
        postfix:@"cards" //I believe this is "sources" now
        secondPostfix:nil //Not needed for this URL
            @"card":tokenId  //Only parameter is a tokenId, and I wrap this inside an NSDictionary
        completionHandler:^(id jsonObject, NSError *error) {
                                 if (error)
                                     //Handle the error code here

                                     handler(nil,error); //rejectError 
                                 //If no error stripe returns a dictionary containing the card information. You can use this information to create a card object if so desired.
                                 handler([ELCard cardFromDictionary:jsonObject],error);


[self createCardFromToken:<#(NSString *)#> customerId:<#(NSString *)#> completionHandler:<#^(ELCard *card, NSError *error)handler#>];

有没有人能指出我的方向:完成握手? 非常感谢你!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


[self createCardFromToken:@"a token string" customerId:@"a customer id string" completionHandler:^(ELCard *card, NSError *error){
        // here goes code you want to execute when the completion handler gets called

答案 1 :(得分:2)



[self createCardFromToken:@"token value" customerId:@"customer ID" completionHandler:^(ELCard *card, NSError *error) {
    // your custom code that uses card and error values