我有Power Shell脚本用于发布/更新用于运行Windows服务的新dll:
Import-Module WebAdministration
function Main(
[string] $siteName = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: siteName"),
[string] $sitePath = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"),
[string] $servicePath = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"),
[string] $serviceName = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"),
[string] $buildConfiguration = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"))
$serviceBinPath = Join-Path $serviceBinPath $buildConfiguration
Write-Host "Directory of Windows Service : $($serviceBinPath )`r`n"
StopWindowsService $serviceName
RemoveFiles $servicePath
CopyFiles $serviceBinPath $servicePath
StartWindowsService $serviceName
function RemoveFiles(
[string] $path = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"))
If (Test-Path $path)
Write-Host "Removing folder ($path)...`r`n"
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$($path)*"
Write-Host "Successfully removed website folder ($path)...`r`n"
function CopyFiles(
[string] $sourcePath = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"),
[string] $destinationPath = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: sitePath"))
If ((Test-Path $sourcePath) -and (Test-Path $destinationPath))
Write-Host "Copy files from ($sourcePath) to folder ($destinationPath)...`r`n"
Copy-Item "$($sourcePath)\*" $destinationPath -Recurse -Force
Write-Host "Successfully copied files from ($sourcePath).`r`n"
function StopWindowsService(
[string] $serviceName = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: siteName"))
$serviceBefore = Get-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "($serviceName) is now ($serviceBefore.status)...`r`n"
Write-Host "Stopping Windows Service ($serviceName)...`r`n"
Stop-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "Successfully stopped Windows Service ($serviceName)...`r`n"
$serviceAfter = Get-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "($serviceName) is now ($($serviceAfter.status))...`r`n"
function StartWindowsService(
[string] $serviceName = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: siteName"))
$serviceBefore = Get-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "($serviceName) is now ($serviceBefore.status)...`r`n"
Write-Host "Starting Windows Service ($serviceName)...`r`n"
Start-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "Successfully started Windows Service ($serviceName)...`r`n"
$serviceAfter = Get-Service $serviceName
Write-Host "($serviceName) is now ($($serviceAfter.status))...`r`n"
一切正常,包括开始/停止/复制新的Windows服务Dll。 但是当我在停止服务后尝试删除旧文件时,所有文件都被锁定,我收到错误:
Remove-Item : Cannot remove item ...\WindowsService\bin\Autofac.dll: Access to the path '...WindowsService\bin\Autofac.dll' is denied.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
应该停止服务。 请检查以下内容:
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我找到了解决方案。 第一件事:我在安装Windows服务处于停止状态后运行此脚本并且dll已经在文件夹中。并且第一次运行没有产生任何错误。第二次运行后,我得到了错误。 当我在停止服务之后添加等待并且在删除旧的dll之前,一切都很顺利:
StopWindowsService $serviceName
Start-Sleep -s 5
RemoveFiles $servicePath
CopyFiles $serviceBinPath $servicePath
StartWindowsService $serviceName