
时间:2015-09-20 05:12:23

标签: java inheritance methods override

我目前正在处理我的java教科书中的一个问题,该问题围绕创建一个Circuit超类和一个Resistor,Serial和Parallel子类。 Serial和Parallel类具有ArrayLists,它们应该由Circuit类的对象填充。每个子类都包含一个getResistance()方法,该方法应该覆盖超类中的getResistance()方法。我的问题是无论输入如何,只更改实例变量" sum"从Parallel类更新getResistance()的结果。



public class Circuit
//this is the superclass and acts just as a container class
 public double getResistance() 
//I want this method to take an arbitrary value and return it.
 return 0;
public void add(Circuit input)
//this method is supposed to add a value to an object of the Circuit class
public void addAll(ArrayList<Circuit>circuits)
//this method is for combining ArrayList and takes in ArrayList


//subclass of Circuit superclass
public class Parallel extends Circuit

//this instance variable is of the Circuit class
private ArrayList<Circuit> parallel = new ArrayList<>();
private double resistance; 
private double sum; 

public void add(Circuit input)
//int count = 0; 
//adding values to populate ArrayList 
for(Circuit x: parallel)
    //setting the xth index value to the value to the input

public double getResistance()
  //this method overrides the one from the superclass
  //we are the sum of the input resistances of the ArrayList
  if(parallel.size()> 0)
   for(Circuit x: parallel)
    resistance = x.getResistance();
    sum=+ 1/resistance; 
     return sum; 

 public void addAll(Serial series)
 //this method is supposed to add the ArrayList of the Circuit type together


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


add方法应该将输入电路添加到危害并联电路的电路列表< /强>

现在它为每个&#34;添加所有 - &#34; - 从parallel列表到另一个input电路的电路(全部为0)。哎呀,错误的方式!

因为在当前代码中没有向parallel列表添加子循环,getResistence中的循环将永远不会运行..这将返回未更改的sum变量中的任何值。 / p>

