我目前正在使用python 2.7.9。我已经尝试重新安装cython并更新所有依赖项,但它不起作用。我不知道Buildozer或Cython有什么问题。该应用程序直接从终端正常运行。
#error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
error: command 'ccache' failed with exit status 1
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void stop(self):
'''Stop using the shader.
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:233:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef dict uniform_locations
cdef dict uniform_values
cdef void use(self)
cdef void stop(self)
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:29:25: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
if name in self.uniform_values and self.uniform_values[name] == value:
self.uniform_values[name] = value
self.upload_uniform(name, value)
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:239:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef dict uniform_values
cdef void use(self)
cdef void stop(self)
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:30:28: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef GLfloat mat[16]
for x in xrange(16):
mat[x] = <GLfloat>value.mat[x]
glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, False, mat)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:424:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void use(self)
cdef void stop(self)
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform_matrix(self, int loc, Matrix value)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:32:28: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
# save for the next run.
self._current_vertex_format = vertex_format
cdef void build(self):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:465:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void stop(self)
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform_matrix(self, int loc, Matrix value)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name) except *
cdef void build(self) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:33:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void build(self):
cdef void build_vertex(self, int link=1):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:469:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform_matrix(self, int loc, Matrix value)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name) except *
cdef void build(self) except *
cdef void build_vertex(self, int link=*) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:34:26: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
if self.vertex_shader is not None:
glAttachShader(self.program, self.vertex_shader.shader)
if link:
cdef void build_fragment(self, int link=1):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:479:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void upload_uniform(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void upload_uniform_matrix(self, int loc, Matrix value)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name) except *
cdef void build(self) except *
cdef void build_vertex(self, int link=*) except *
cdef void build_fragment(self, int link=*) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:35:28: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
if self.fragment_shader is not None:
glAttachShader(self.program, self.fragment_shader.shader)
if link:
cdef void link_program(self):
kivy/graphics/shader.pyx:489:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void upload_uniform_matrix(self, int loc, Matrix value)
cdef int get_uniform_loc(self, str name) except *
cdef void build(self) except *
cdef void build_vertex(self, int link=*) except *
cdef void build_fragment(self, int link=*) except *
cdef void link_program(self) except *
kivy/graphics/shader.pxd:36:26: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
elif self._stencilbuffer_attached:
cdef void apply(self):
kivy/graphics/fbo.pyx:326:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cpdef release(self)
cpdef get_pixel_color(self, int wx, int wy)
cdef void create_fbo(self)
cdef void delete_fbo(self)
cdef void apply(self)
kivy/graphics/fbo.pxd:27:19: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
if self.context_state:
if self.context_pop:
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:258:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef dict context_state
cdef list context_push
cdef list context_pop
cdef RenderContext get_context(self)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:61:23: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value):
self.context_state[name] = value
cdef void push_state(self, str name):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:262:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef list context_push
cdef list context_pop
cdef RenderContext get_context(self)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:62:24: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_state(self, str name):
cdef void pop_state(self, str name):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:266:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef list context_pop
cdef RenderContext get_context(self)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:63:23: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
self._shader.set_uniform(name, value)
cdef get_state(self, str name):
return self.state_stacks[name][-1]
cdef void set_states(self, dict states):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:789:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef int _use_parent_modelview
cdef void set_texture(self, int index, Texture texture)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value, int apply_now=?)
cdef get_state(self, str name)
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:116:24: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_states(self, dict states):
cdef str name
for name, value in states.iteritems():
self.set_state(name, value)
cdef void push_state(self, str name):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:794:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_texture(self, int index, Texture texture)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value, int apply_now=?)
cdef get_state(self, str name)
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:117:24: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_state(self, str name):
stack = self.state_stacks[name]
cdef void push_states(self, list names):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:799:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_texture(self, int index, Texture texture)
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value, int apply_now=?)
cdef get_state(self, str name)
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:118:25: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names):
cdef str name
for name in names:
cdef void pop_state(self, str name):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:804:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_state(self, str name, value, int apply_now=?)
cdef get_state(self, str name)
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:119:23: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
oldvalue = stack.pop()
if oldvalue != stack[-1]:
self.set_state(name, stack[-1])
cdef void pop_states(self, list names):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:811:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef get_state(self, str name)
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:120:24: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
_active_texture = index
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + index)
cdef void enter(self):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:831:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void set_states(self, dict states) except *
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:121:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void enter(self):
cdef void leave(self):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:834:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:122:19: Previous declaration is here
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void leave(self):
cdef void apply(self):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:837:9: 'apply' already defined
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void leave(self):
cdef void apply(self):
kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx:837:9: Signature not compatible with previous declaration
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef void push_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void pop_state(self, str name) except *
cdef void pop_states(self, list names) except *
cdef void enter(self) except *
cdef void leave(self) except *
cdef void apply(self) except *
kivy/graphics/instructions.pxd:123:19: Previous declaration is here
/home/sterilistic/Desktop/PongApp/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/build/python-install/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'dependency_links'
/home/sterilistic/Desktop/PongApp/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/build/python-install/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
Cython check avoided.
Using this graphics system: OpenGL ES 2
running build_ext
Build configuration is:
* use_rpi = 0
* use_opengl_es2 = 1
* use_opengl_debug = 0
* use_glew = 0
* use_sdl2 = 0
* use_ios = 0
* use_mesagl = 0
* use_x11 = 0
* use_gstreamer = 0
* use_avfoundation = 0
* use_osx_frameworks = 0
* debug = False
Detected compiler is unix
building 'kivy.graphics.opengl' extension
kivy/graphics/vbo.c:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
#error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
error: command 'ccache' failed with exit status 1
# Command failed: ./distribute.sh -m "kivy" -d "myapp"
# Buildozer failed to execute the last command
# The error might be hidden in the log above this error
# Please read the full log, and search for it before
# raising an issue with buildozer itself.
# In case of a bug report, please add a full log with log_level = 2
答案 0 :(得分:0)
sudo apt-get install cython