public function search(Request $request)
// loop through the defined fields
foreach($this->fields as $field){
// if the field is set and not empty
foreach ($request->get($field) as $value) {
$this->conditions[] = "`$field` = '" . $value . "'";
} else {
if(isset($_POST[$field]) && $request->get($field) != '') {
$data = $request->get($field);
if($field == 'bf_ref_no'){
$data = is_numeric( substr($request->get($field), 0, 2) ) ? 'BF'.$request->get($field) : $request->get($field) ;
$this->conditions[] = "`$field` = '" . $data . "'";
// builds the query
$query = "SELECT invoices.id as inv_id, invoices.created_at as inv_date, invoices.amount_paid, invoices.amount, csv_data_final.* FROM csv_data_final
LEFT JOIN invoices ON invoices.parent_id = csv_data_final.id ";
// if there are conditions defined
if(count($this->conditions) > 0) {
// append the conditions
$query .= "WHERE " . implode (' AND ', $this->conditions); // you can change to 'OR', but I suggest to apply the filters cumulative
$results = DB::select( $query );
$borders = DB::table('borders')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();
return view('track.track-withdata', compact('results', 'borders'));