running matlab script from command prompt not taking all parameters for startup.m

时间:2015-09-01 22:51:50

标签: matlab

I run a script in folder


with following command on cmd.exe( Win 7)

"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\matlab.exe" -nosplash -nodesktop -wait -minimize -r "tst1"

This executes fine. However, as mentioned in the "help" document, I can specify multiple scripts/functions like

"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\matlab.exe" -nosplash -nodesktop -wait -minimize -r "tst1, exit"

This worked too.

However, if the same is done on startup.m file( my own file which sets some paths before calling some other Matlab Scripts) that is located as


in following manner( after changing pwd to above folder):

"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\matlab.exe" -nosplash -nodesktop -wait -minimize -r "startup, exit"

The Startup.m does execute all its contents sucessfully, but at the end of it, I get following message :

Undefined function or variable 'startup'.

and Matlab returns the control to command prompt with non zero exit code.

Any reasons for this kind of behavior.

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