XSLT - 迭代xml并输出子节点的html li链接

时间:2015-08-31 03:20:46

标签: xslt

我是XSLT的新手,你能帮我解决我的xslt代码问题。我试图遍历每个xml记录,并根据每个Record xml条目的多个bu和主元数据生成li链接。我试图用HTML输出如下,文档和市场bu /主要行是超链接。


            Title 1 - Document BU and Primary sample links
              Document primary title one
              Document bu title one
              Document bu title two
              Document bu title three
              Document bu title four

            Title 2 - Market BU and Primary sample links
              Market primary title one
              Market bu title one
              Market bu title two
              Market bu title three
              Market bu title four


        <xsl:template match="R">
                    <xsl:when test="starts-with(U, 'http://abc.domain.com/') ">
                        <xsl:variable name="count">
                            <xsl:value-of select="count(meta[@name='primary' or @name='bu'])"/>
                        <ul class="policy_list">
                                <xsl:call-template name="more_manuals">
                                    <xsl:with-param name="baseurl" select="U" />
                                    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count" />
                            <xsl:value-of select="$snip" disable-output-escaping='yes' />
                        <!-- Some other logic -->

        <xsl:template name="other_manuals">
                <xsl:param name="baseurl" />
                <xsl:param name="count" />

                <xsl:call-template name="iterate_meta_data">
                    <xsl:with-param name="counter" select="1" />
                    <xsl:with-param name="meta" select="meta[@name='primary' or @name='bu'][1]" />
                    <xsl:with-param name="baseurl" select="$baseurl" />
                    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count" />

        <xsl:template name="iterate_meta_data">
                <xsl:param name="counter" />
                <xsl:param name="meta" />
                <xsl:param name="baseurl" />
                <xsl:param name="count" />

                    <xsl:when test="$meta">
                        <xsl:variable name="meta_name_1"><xsl:value-of select="$meta/@value"/>_name</xsl:variable> 
                        <xsl:variable name="meta_name_2"><xsl:value-of select="$meta/@value"/></xsl:variable> 

                        <xsl:variable name="cs" select="$meta/following-sibling::meta[@name=$meta_name_2]/@value" />
                        <xsl:variable name="manualName" select="$meta/following-sibling::meta[@name=$meta_name_1]/@value" />

                        <xsl:variable name="ch" select="substring-before($cs, '|')" />
                        <xsl:variable name="dns" select="substring-after($cs, '|')" />

                        <xsl:variable name="sitename">
                            <xsl:call-template name="get_site_name">
                                <xsl:with-param name="dns" select="$dns"/>

                        <xsl:variable name="manurl">
                            <xsl:variable name="bu">
                                <xsl:if test="$meta/@name = 'bu'">
                                    <xsl:value-of select="concat('&amp;bu=', $meta/@value)" disable-output-escaping='yes'/>
                            <xsl:value-of select="concat($baseurl, '&amp;site=', $dns, '&amp;ch=', $ch, $bu)" disable-output-escaping='yes'/>

                        <li><a href="{$manurl}" onClick="backButtonSave(this)"><xsl:value-of select="$sitename"/>: <xsl:value-of select="$manualName"/></a></li>

                        <xsl:call-template name="iterate_meta_data">
                            <xsl:with-param name="counter" select="$counter + 1" />
                            <xsl:with-param name="meta" select="$meta/following-sibling::meta[@name='primary' or @name='bu']" />
                            <xsl:with-param name="baseurl" select="$baseurl"/>
                            <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/>



            <R N="1" L="1" MIME="text/html">
              <T>Title 1 - Document BU and Primary sample links</T> 
              <MT N="CT" V="Market" /> 
              <MT N="SITES" V="abc" /> 
              <MT N="AUTHOR" V="amarnath, koduru" /> 
              <MT N="primary" V="asdwer12332334234123" /> 
              <MT N="asdwer12332334234123" V="123456789|abc" /> 
              <MT N="asdwer12332334234123_name" V="Document primary title one" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="werou2309weir23940293" /> 
              <MT N="werou2309weir23940293" V="0909898werweiuouw|cde" /> 
              <MT N="werou2309weir23940293_name" V="Document bu title one" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw" /> 
              <MT N="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw" V="ue983479573hww5|cde" /> 
              <MT N="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw_name" V="Document bu title two" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="jljwerwoi798872334oweor" /> 
              <MT N="jljwerwoi798872334oweor" V="hrei9873495739uwe|cde" /> 
              <MT N="jljwerwoi798872334oweor_name" V="Document bu title three" />
              <MT N="bu" V="nnm23334hweiuroweir2" /> 
              <MT N="nnm23334hweiuroweir2" V="iuw3242ouwejlkeo|cde" /> 
              <MT N="nnm23334hweiuroweir2_name" V="Document bu title four" />   
              <MT N="TID" V="NT" /> 
              <S><b>...</b>Document Provide details. Share your research <b>...</b></S> 
          <R N="2" L="1" MIME="text/html">
              <T>Title 2 - Market BU and Primary sample links</T> 
              <MT N="CT" V="Market" /> 
              <MT N="SITES" V="abc" /> 
              <MT N="AUTHOR" V="amarnath, koduru" /> 
              <MT N="primary" V="wwasdwer12332334234123" /> 
              <MT N="wwasdwer12332334234123" V="123456789|abc" /> 
              <MT N="wwasdwer12332334234123_name" V="Market primary title one" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="ddwerou2309weir23940293" /> 
              <MT N="ddwerou2309weir23940293" V="0909898werweiuouw|cde" /> 
              <MT N="ddwerou2309weir23940293_name" V="Market bu title one" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw" /> 
              <MT N="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw" V="ue983479573hww5|cde" /> 
              <MT N="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw_name" V="Market bu title two" /> 
              <MT N="bu" V="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor" /> 
              <MT N="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor" V="hrei9873495739uwe|cde" /> 
              <MT N="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor_name" V="Market bu title three" />
              <MT N="bu" V="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2" /> 
              <MT N="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2" V="iuw3242ouwejlkeo|cde" /> 
              <MT N="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2_name" V="Market bu title four" />   
              <MT N="TID" V="NT" /> 
              <S><b>...</b> Market Provide details. Share your research <b>...</b></S> 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用xslt时需要注意的一点是变量是不可变的。 XSLT是一种声明性的函数式编程语言,对于任何函数式语言,变量都是不可变的。



Title 1 - Document BU and Primary sample links
    primary : asdwer12332334234123
    bu : werou2309weir23940293
    bu : xvxddc2309wei345weeffw
    bu : jljwerwoi798872334oweor
    bu : nnm23334hweiuroweir2
    S : ...Document Provide details. Share your research ...
    LANG : en

Title 2 - Market BU and Primary sample links
    primary : wwasdwer12332334234123
    bu : ddwerou2309weir23940293
    bu : ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw
    bu : bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor
    bu : ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2
    S : ... Market Provide details. Share your research ...
    LANG : en


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="test.xsl"?>
      <R N="1" L="1" MIME="text/html">
        <T>Title 1 - Document BU and Primary sample links</T> 
        <MT N="CT" V="Market" /> 
        <MT N="SITES" V="abc" /> 
        <MT N="AUTHOR" V="amarnath, koduru" /> 
        <MT N="primary" V="asdwer12332334234123" /> 
        <MT N="asdwer12332334234123" V="123456789|abc" /> 
        <MT N="asdwer12332334234123_name" V="Document primary title one" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="werou2309weir23940293" /> 
        <MT N="werou2309weir23940293" V="0909898werweiuouw|cde" /> 
        <MT N="werou2309weir23940293_name" V="Document bu title one" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw" /> 
        <MT N="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw" V="ue983479573hww5|cde" /> 
        <MT N="xvxddc2309wei345weeffw_name" V="Document bu title two" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="jljwerwoi798872334oweor" /> 
        <MT N="jljwerwoi798872334oweor" V="hrei9873495739uwe|cde" /> 
        <MT N="jljwerwoi798872334oweor_name" V="Document bu title three" />
        <MT N="bu" V="nnm23334hweiuroweir2" /> 
        <MT N="nnm23334hweiuroweir2" V="iuw3242ouwejlkeo|cde" /> 
        <MT N="nnm23334hweiuroweir2_name" V="Document bu title four" />   
        <MT N="TID" V="NT" /> 
        <S><b>...</b>Document Provide details. Share your research <b>...</b>  </S> 

      <R N="2" L="1" MIME="text/html">
        <T>Title 2 - Market BU and Primary sample links</T> 
        <MT N="CT" V="Market" /> 
        <MT N="SITES" V="abc" /> 
        <MT N="AUTHOR" V="amarnath, koduru" /> 
        <MT N="primary" V="wwasdwer12332334234123" /> 
        <MT N="wwasdwer12332334234123" V="123456789|abc" /> 
        <MT N="wwasdwer12332334234123_name" V="Market primary title one" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="ddwerou2309weir23940293" /> 
        <MT N="ddwerou2309weir23940293" V="0909898werweiuouw|cde" /> 
        <MT N="ddwerou2309weir23940293_name" V="Market bu title one" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw" /> 
        <MT N="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw" V="ue983479573hww5|cde" /> 
        <MT N="ggxvxddc2309wei345weeffw_name" V="Market bu title two" /> 
        <MT N="bu" V="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor" /> 
        <MT N="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor" V="hrei9873495739uwe|cde" /> 
        <MT N="bbjljwerwoi798872334oweor_name" V="Market bu title three" />
        <MT N="bu" V="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2" /> 
        <MT N="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2" V="iuw3242ouwejlkeo|cde" /> 
        <MT N="ssnnm23334hweiuroweir2_name" V="Market bu title four" />   
        <MT N="TID" V="NT" /> 
        <S><b>...</b> Market Provide details. Share your research <b>...</b></S> 

XSLT用于使用HTML / CSS创建上面的输出,您可以轻松获取数据并以纯文本格式输出或格式化为另一个XML文档。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:template match="/">
            ul li {
                list-style-type: none;
        <xsl:for-each select="xml/R">
            <xsl:value-of select="T" />
                  <xsl:for-each select="MT">
                      <xsl:if test="boolean(@N = 'primary' or @N ='bu')">
                            <xsl:value-of select="@N" /> : <xsl:value-of select="@V" />

                  <li>S : <xsl:value-of select="S" /></li>
                  <li>LANG : <xsl:value-of select="LANG" /></li>