在将Python 2.7转换为3.4后,如何将[x] [y] float转换回整数。格式化为float
离。 self.table [x] [y]成一个整数来得到x和y值。
return self.table[x][y].physics_module
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float
我知道将(x)转换为像这个int(x)或5/3到5 // 3等整数的方法。这在过去所有其他时间转换我到目前为止遇到的问题。有类似的问题,但这些答案在这种情况下不起作用TypeError: integer argument expected got float' Python 3.4我尝试了那些方法,因为这也是我的问题。
我正在使用带有pygame的python 3.4,这对于这个例子可能无关紧要
目标是将教程从python 2.7转换为python 3.4,以便使用python 3.4来理解它。我跑了2to3.py来看看它是否会起作用。
的代码部分 def makeGround(self, xa, ya, xb, yb):
if (xa == xb):
for y in range(ya, yb + 1):
elif (ya == yb):
for x in range(xa, xb + 1):
def applyTileData(self, x, y, imageSequenceStack, passable, physics):
self.table[x][y].images = imageSequenceStack
self.table[x][y].passable = passable
self.table[x][y].physics_module = physics
def addPlatform(self, x, y, width):
self.platforms.append((x, y, width))
import pygame
from .Tile import *
class TileSet:
def __init__(self, width, height):
cols = list(range(width))
for i in range(width):
cols[i] = list(range(height))
for j in range(height):
cols[i][j] = Tile(i, j, False)
self.table = cols
self.platforms = []
self.background_color = (0, 0, 0)
self.pixel_origin = (0, 0)
self.background = None
def setBackground(self, imageFile):
self.background = imageFile
def makeGround(self, xa, ya, xb, yb):
if (xa == xb):
for y in range(ya, yb + 1):
elif (ya == yb):
for x in range(xa, xb + 1):
def applyTileData(self, x, y, imageSequenceStack, passable, physics):
self.table[x][y].images = imageSequenceStack
self.table[x][y].passable = passable
self.table[x][y].physics_module = physics
def addPlatform(self, x, y, width):
self.platforms.append((x, y, width))
def drawBackground(self, screen, topleft, frameNum):
bg = self.background.getImageForFrame(frameNum)
width = len(self.table) * 32
height = len(self.table[0]) * 32
pic_width = bg.get_width() - 640
pic_height = bg.get_height() - 480
left = 0
top = 0
if pic_width > 0 and width > 0:
left = -1 * pic_width * topleft[0] / width
if pic_height > 0 and height > 0:
top = -1 * pic_height * topleft[1] / height
screen.blit(bg, (left, top))
def drawBottom(self, screen, camera, frameNum):
top_left = self.fromPixelToTile(camera[0], camera[1])
bottom_right = self.fromPixelToTile(camera[0] + 640, camera[1] + 480)
left = min(len(self.table) - 1, max(0, top_left[0]))
top = min(len(self.table[0]) - 1, max(0, top_left[1]))
right = min(len(self.table) - 1, max(0, bottom_right[0]))
bottom = min(len(self.table[0]) - 1, max(0, bottom_right[1]))
for x in range(left, right + 1):
for y in range(top, bottom + 1):
topleft = self.fromTileToPixel(x, y)
for imgSeq in self.table[x][y].images:
screen.blit(imgSeq.getImageForFrame(frameNum), (x * 32 - camera[0], y * 32 - camera[1]))
def fromTileToPixel(self, tile_x, tile_y):
x = 32 * (tile_x - self.pixel_origin[0])
y = 32 * (tile_y - self.pixel_origin[1])
return (x, y)
def fromPixelToTile(self, pixel_x, pixel_y):
x = (pixel_x / 32) + self.pixel_origin[0]
y = (pixel_y / 32) + self.pixel_origin[1]
return (x, y)
def nearbyTiles(self, coordinate, radius = 1, tileFilter = None):
tiles = []
left = max(0, coordinate[0] - radius)
right = min(coordinate[0] + radius, len(self.table) - 1)
top = max(0, coordinate[1] - radius)
bottom = min(coordinate[1] + radius, len(self.table[0]) - 1)
for x in range(left, right + 1):
for y in range(top, bottom + 1):
if tileFilter:
return list(filter(tileFilter, tiles))
return tiles
def getPhysicsModule(self, xy):
x = xy[0]
y = xy[1]
x = max(0, x)
x = min(x, len(self.table) - 1)
y = max(0, y)
y = min(y, len(self.table[0]) - 1)
return self.table[x][y].physics_module
def isTilePassable(self, xy):
x = xy[0]
y = xy[1]
x = max(0, x)
x = min(x, len(self.table) - 1)
y = max(0, y)
y = min(y, len(self.table[0]) - 1)
return self.table[x][y].passable
答案 0 :(得分:1)
是一个毫无意义的陈述。 []