Nginx inputstream ssk卸载

时间:2015-08-27 12:26:31

标签: ssl nginx


任何人都可以帮我解决一个有关如何使用nginx进行ssl offload for streaming输入(在这种情况下由序列化日志记录事件对象组成)的示例文件


我们正在尝试从log4j socketappender输出转发和剥离SSL,但在未启用SSL时甚至无法使转发工作。

here is the config file without the ssl offloading portion(when retrieving non https the forwarding still does not work correctly)
events {
  worker_connections 1024;

http {
  server {
    listen 4560 ;

    location / {
      proxy_pass_request_headers on;

      proxy_pass http://localhost:4561/;
      proxy_redirect http://localhost:4561/;
        error_log C:/ELK/nginx-1.9.4/logs/debug.log debug;


2015/08/27 00:54:59 [info] 5052#3716: *45 WSARecv() failed (10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host) while reading client request line, client: IP.ADDRESS.HIDDENFOR.POST, server:, request: "’ "
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 lingering read: -1
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 http request count:1 blk:0
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 http close request
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 http log handler
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 free: 008DE8E8, unused: 1991
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 close http connection: 300
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 event timer del: 300: 1822859279
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 select del event fd:300 ev:0
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 reusable connection: 0
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 free: 023BCED0
2015/08/27 00:54:59 [debug] 5052#3716: *45 free: 023BEEA8, unused: 24
2015/08/27 12:27:45 [debug] 5052#3716: select del event fd:316 ev:0

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