使用Underscores _.groupBy或_.sortBy函数是否可以这样?
"summary":"Standard Boring Message",
"title":"Low priority boring old message",
"text":"This is where logs ot <h2>Html</h2> and <b>stuff</b> can be displayed",
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
"summary":"Template test",
"errorMessage":"this is the error data"
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
"summary":"Everything is green",
"title":"All across the board",
"text":"Nothing to see here",
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
"summary":"Unable To load data",
"title":"This is the title",
"text":"There is some text",
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
"summary":"There is a new release!",
"title":"New stuff!",
"text":"New and improved! All bits have been pre-washed and are now cleaner than the old bits",
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
"title":"This is the title with no summary",
"text":"There is some more text",
"toggleExpandMessageText":"Learn More"
_.sortBy(self.messages(), 'priority');