
时间:2015-08-22 14:01:09

标签: javascript html css meteor




.container {
  display: table;
.row {
  display: table-row;
.column {
  display: table-cell;



<div class="container">
    <div class="row" id="row1">
        <div class="column" id="row1Col1">Column 1</div>
        <div class="column" id="row1Col2">Column 2</div>
        <div class="column" id="row1Col3">Column 3</div>
    <div class="row" id="row2">
        <div class="column" id="row2Col1">Date goes here</div>
        <div class="column" id="row2Col2">Shift1</div>
        <div class="column"  id="row2Col3">Blank to begin with</div>

但我需要动态添加到此,以便每个Column1始终保持为“高”作为相应的Column2,因为行被添加到Column2,并且当行添加到Column3时,Column2的第一行(Shift) ,例如“Shift 1”)与它保持垂直的速度。所以你会有这样的事情:

Column1         Column2     Column3
======          ======      ======
Mon Aug 24      Shift 1     Something about Shift1
                            More about Shift1
                            Yet more about Shift1
                Shift 2     Something about Shift2
                            More about Shift2
                Shift 3     Something about Shift3
Tues Aug 25     Shift1      


Column1         Column2     Column3
======          ======      ======
Mon Aug 24      Shift 1     


Column1         Column2     Column3
======          ======      ======
Mon Aug 24      Shift 1     Something about Shift1
                Shift 2     Something about Shift2
                Shift 3     Something about Shift3


Column1         Column2     Column3
======          ======      ======
Mon Aug 24      Shift 1     Something about Shift1
                            More about Shift1
                            Yet more about Shift1
                Shift 2     Something about Shift2
                Shift 3     Something about Shift3


Column1         Column2     Column3
======          ======      ======
Mon Aug 24      Shift 1     Something about Shift1
                            More about Shift1
                            Yet more about Shift1
                Shift 2     Something about Shift2
                            More about Shift2
                Shift 3     Something about Shift3


但后来变得更复杂:向Column3 添加一行关于Shift1 时,也在“Shift2”行之前向Column1和Column2添加行,或者如果“Shift1”追加到末尾“是唯一一个。

所以我的问题是:我如何以编程方式(在JavaScript中)向div添加“sub-divs”(伪/ CSS列中的伪/ CSS行)?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


//Our container:
var container = document.querySelector("div.container");

function insertRow(index, columns) {
     * This is a function that inserts a div.row before the (index)th child of div.container. Note that the (index)th child is counted using zero-based indexing.
     * If index is null, we simply append the row to the end.
     * Note that the div.row has three div.column children, each with textContent of columns[0], columns[1], and columns[2] (which may be blank if necessary).
    //Create the div.row:
    var row = document.createElement("div");
    //Append the three div.column children:
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        var column = document.createElement("div");
        column.textContent = columns[i];
        //Append the column into row:
    //If index is null, append row into container:
    if (index === null) {
    //Otherwise, insert row before container's (index)th child:
    else {
        //container's children:
        var children = document.querySelectorAll("div.container div.row");
        container.insertBefore(row, children[index]);

//Insert a new row to the end:
insertRow(null, ["", "Hi!", "I'm friendly!"]);
//We can also insert something in the middle:
insertRow(2, ["", "", "I'm a cool person!"]);
/* Give each cell some space and a border so this is more readable: */
.container {
  display: table;
  border-spacing: 10px;
.row {
  display: table-row;
.column {
  display: table-cell;
  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid black;
<div class="container">
    <div class="row" id="row1">
        <div class="column" id="row1Col1">Column 1</div>
        <div class="column" id="row1Col2">Column 2</div>
        <div class="column" id="row1Col3">Column 3</div>
    <div class="row" id="row2">
        <div class="column" id="row2Col1">Date goes here</div>
        <div class="column" id="row2Col2">Shift1</div>
        <div class="column"  id="row2Col3"></div>